Freitag, 19. August 2022

Kirsten Armbruster

Work magically in the Russian crisis
Published on February 23, 2022

Today I'm writing about something I've been doing as a solo witch for many years, but have never written in this form before, namely about magical work in a political context. I am writing this because there is a great concern of war and because I know that many of my readers are witches themselves. Perhaps one or the other will find suggestions to position their power of life against the will of the morbidity of patriarchal men, instead of falling into powerlessness and depression.

In this context, I would like to ask you to connect with the courage of mothers, especially in Russia and Ukraine, because both countries have an ancient, strong tradition of mothers. It is not for nothing that we still speak of Mother Russia today. The matrilineal mother tradition is rooted in the Russian god MOTHER figurines from the Paleolithic, which you can find here on my blog in the text “God MOTHER in the Paleolithic”, which is firmly anchored above, or in my book “Criticism of Patriarchy”, it goes beyond the numerous God MOTHER figurines in the Neolithic, many of which, especially from the Cucuteni culture, are in the Musum in Kyiv in the Ukraine and which I have also included in the gallery of God MOTHER figurines in my book Criticism of the Patriarchate and it is still visible everywhere in the widespread Matryoshka figurines who have captured the ingrained knowledge of matrilineal descent. All this is a long-rooted maternal knowledge, a maternal power component deeply rooted in nature that we can activate.

Which has been interwoven with magical work for a long time can of course also go further and draw protective circles around countries and places or continue to work with bindings and bans with regard to the male patriarchal forces in Russia as a whole and especially in politics. Especially the latter I do not recommend to those who have never worked with magic before, as there own protective circle mechanisms should be observed. I always put myself and my family and my environment first and foremost under the protection of the divine mother anchored in the Palaeolithic, whom I call God MOTHER, but who you also know as the Great Goddess, from the splitting up into many goddesses. In this context, of course, you can also summon the elements and all mother forces that are deeply anchored in nature.

With regard to the protection circles, I would like to expressly point out that this does not only apply to the Ukraine, but also to other neighboring countries, but especially to Germany, with the focus on Berlin. I would like to remind you that the collapse of the Soviet Union, deeply regretted by Putin in his last speech, is closely related to the reunification of Germany during the Gorbachev administration.

Putin is a man who is deeply patriarchal in the KGB, who, as was clearly evident in his speech a few days ago, has fantasized about a deeply revisionist understanding of history, anchored in totalitarian Stalinism, that shrinks from nothing, I guess not even from one nuclear attack. As I wrote yesterday, I have the impression that Putin has nothing left to lose, perhaps also because he may actually be ill, which I think is quite possible based on his posture and movements. However: such men are dangerous in their unscrupulousness!

I would like to point out another possibility of magical work and I would like to draw your attention to China. China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, also spoke at the Munich Security Conference last weekend. In his speech, he sent clear signals against NATO, but also signaled that he absolutely recognizes Ukraine as a separate state, which Putin denied historically in his last speech. China has close economic ties with Ukraine, so China may well show less solidarity with Putin than he would like. So one can also try to have a magical effect in this regard.

Take what I wrote as suggestions. If you don't understand this post at all, just forget it.

May these words be understood correctly!

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