Freitag, 19. August 2022

Kirsten Armbruster

Solidarity with Ukraine and now?
Published on February 25, 2022

Now Putin, the new iron dictator of Russia, has carried out the threat of rape he issued to Kyiv during Macron's visit on February 7, 2022 - which he called "the beautiful one who has to submit". As a trained critic of patriarchy, all the alarm bells went off for me at the press conference at the press conference, and even went red in connection with his malicious grin. Does she still have a chance, the beautiful woman who aroused the desire of a totalitarian ruler, or the world will see go ahead with this act of rape? Terrified, but paralyzed and ultimately inactive?

And what about China and Xi Jinping? China has now come to the formulation that there would be no invasion of Ukraine. Here, too, all alarm bells should go off, because this formulation means nothing other than that the axis of the totalitarian regimes stands together, supplemented by Iran, which yesterday also professed true brotherhood with the steely, phallus-driven Putin. Men's unions close together again. For everyone familiar with the IPKF's interdisciplinary research on the criticism of patriarchy, another warning sign, also for red. This fascinating red, the color of blood over which men - unlike women - only have power if they hurt and kill: war red.

How dare China claim that there is no invasion of Ukraine when everyone can see that the opposite is true. In fact, this is quite easy to understand when one consults Putin's one-hour imperialist rage foam speech of February 23, 2022 for clarification. In this, Putin denies Ukraine's own territoriality, because it has no tradition of statehood. In patriarchal logos thinking, this means that there can be no invasion if I move in an area that already belongs to me anyway under the now resurrected Soviet law. So if China now claims that the Russian incursion into Ukraine is not an invasion at all, we should be very careful. It seems to me that two brothers are playing a set game in a totalitarian, patriarchal spirit: You, Brother Xi, tolerate my invasion plans towards Ukraine, and I, Brother Putin the Steel, support you argumentatively if you should feel like annexing Taiwan. The Winter Olympics, in Beijing, China, was a good place and a good time to make such a plan, because the four Taiwanese athletes* were not allowed to appear there under the name Taiwan, let alone show a flag or sing their national anthem at the Listen to two bronze medals being awarded. No, because they had to compete under the name "Chinese Taipei" or not at all. The German stirrup age of the IOC Thomas Bach, also a brother in the spirit of patriarchy, keeps quiet there too – smiling away at everything.

So if China were to invade Taiwan in the near future, that wouldn't be an invasion either, because in the logic of Ukraine, China would only be taking back what already belonged to it in the sense of patriarchal power hegemony.

And the world? It then looks pretty stupid, because, as Bernd Ziesemer wrote in Capital on October 18, 2021, “probably the most important company in the world” is based in Taiwan, the company TSMC, world market leader in the field of semiconductors, the most important building block of digitization. Bad for the democratic part of the world!

Does it look fine? no The patriarchy is rearing up dangerously once again in terms of male ties. Does this make me lose my courage? No, because nature is stronger than any patriarchy. But it would be good if more people understood the structures of patriarchy better in depth. Then we could act proactively instead of reactively.

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