Nobody has to show and teach the child the way. The unconscious, in which God is in every person, shows them the way and their purpose as a human being through the soul, even in the embryo. The adult should support the child so that it can grow and develop properly. That is exactly what God wants from them in every person.
In my opinion, in dreams, every person becomes aware of what God has to say to every person through the soul. Man does not own himself, he cannot own his life, it is a gift to him. The body is God's dwelling place. The conscience in every person is precisely ordered according to his path in life. All mood is directed towards God's answer.
Nobody can prove God. God is completely different. Nobody can see into another person. The relationship between a person and God is unique. The commandments of the scribes are not important. No misdeed can be erased from the soul. The path to better things is to make an effort every day to put them into action.
Human dignity is universal, indivisible and absolute. Therefore, any belief that tries to force the so-called evil to believe in others is of great harm to every small child and to adults who do not want to stand on their own two feet.