Freitag, 9. August 2024

Mutshini wa u thaipha na Inthanethe .

Nga ḓuvha ḽa u thoma, vhashumi vhavhili vho ṋewa tshiṱaha tsha maluvha na mapfura avhuḓi a muṱwari mushumoni wavho .
Mufumakadzi o tholiwa lwa minwaha minzhi ha fushei nga mabambiri .
Hoyu mufumakadzi u khou toda uri mutshini wa kale wa u thaipha u ṱanganedzee kha inthanethe .
Muthu ane avha na vhudifhinduleli u khou toda u ita uri mufumakadzi a pfesese uri a zwi konadzei .

el vardar dei oci

el vardar dei oci
verso l'esterno
e direto verso l’interno
in modo che
el tempo interno .
co l'esterno
gira in cerchi

mọi người nên

Mọi người ngồi thành vòng tròn trong quán bar lặn
một người phụ nữ nhận được một chai rượu được cho là ngon
trên đường phố vào ban đêm
mọi người nên
trên con đường tối và đầy tuyết
vượt đèo 


Nobody has to show and teach the child the way. The unconscious, in which God is in every person, shows them the way and their purpose as a human being through the soul, even in the embryo. The adult should support the child so that it can grow and develop properly. That is exactly what God wants from them in every person.

In my opinion, in dreams, every person becomes aware of what God has to say to every person through the soul. Man does not own himself, he cannot own his life, it is a gift to him. The body is God's dwelling place. The conscience in every person is precisely ordered according to his path in life. All mood is directed towards God's answer.

Nobody can prove God. God is completely different. Nobody can see into another person. The relationship between a person and God is unique. The commandments of the scribes are not important. No misdeed can be erased from the soul. The path to better things is to make an effort every day to put them into action.

Human dignity is universal, indivisible and absolute. Therefore, any belief that tries to force the so-called evil to believe in others is of great harm to every small child and to adults who do not want to stand on their own two feet.


Ar gyfer gwibdaith grŵp yn y ddinas
mae gan un cyfranogwr
pysgodyn wedi'i baratoi mewn dysgl ddi-dân gyda llysiau
y llys ymhlith y tlodion nad oes neb yn poeni amdano

Lei si siede

Lei si siede accanto di lui
ama ancora questa donna
la donna che non lo riconosce
sul lato di un piccolo aereo
lo lascia scritto in nero
il suo affetto 
per renderlo pubblico
un sussurro attraversa il pubblico 
il suo amante in quel momento è stupito
permeato di sentimenti indicibili

Sie sitzt neben ihm

noch immer liebt er diese Frau

die Frau die ihn nicht wieder erkennt

auf der Seite eines kleinen Flugzeugs

lässt er mit schwarzer Schrift

seine Zuneigung 

zu ihr öffentlich machen

ein raunen geht durch die Zuschauer 

seinen damalige Geliebte ist erstaunt

von unsagbaren Gefühlen durchdrungen 

for anyone

When I follow the soul, when I believe what the soul tells me in my dreams, my days are filled with everything that makes up the essence of being human. A life with the disability, not a struggle against panic, pain, loss and fear. When I do my own work in my own place every day, it flows for the better for myself and the others around me. From this I realize that God, in the subconscious, wants me too, is looking for me and is attracted to me. Therein lies a great secret for anyone who can understand it.

for the better

What I actually want to say is that I want to be obedient to the soul, the soul that is connected to the microcosm and the macrocosm. The inner eye, with the sensory perceptions through the outside; through both eyes that look into the world; then I myself will see the reality of the soul correctly. On what I am doing wrong and through the insight through dreams, in the drama of the soul, in which I only have a minor role to play; I am not the author of it, so that I can dare to start the new day for the better.