All people
are of origin
of life
to the incarnation
which is still going on today
those who go into that
those who have come alive
the one soul
recognizes the same dignity
from mother
and father
of sisters and brothers
the angry one; one-eyed (believed) God
snatched from the woman
the spiritual dignity
as an equal person
he; this (imaginary) one god
whispers to the man to this day
the woman was from his rib
him; subject to the man
the dream
does not mean domination
of men
over a country
the total claim
about mother earth
and the universe around them
the dream wants the people
in his worldview
bring to new insight
every person
should interpret his dreams
and understand
don't presume
the other in the deep
of his being
through his dream interpretation
by a doctrine
to be able to understand
the soul has patriarchy
in the minds of men
tolerated over the millennia
it is time
in tough argument
to put the woman as equal
the woman and her children
must not be suppressed; raped, killed
to be sacrificed and sold