Donnerstag, 22. August 2024



Religious experience

Religious experience that is directed towards a reality as a whole or towards a divine reality. God speaks to every person from the unconscious. Through the soul, which conveys God's word in a paradoxical language, every person can independently come to new insights.
The absolute truth and wisdom are not accessible to man.
Man learns to recognize human dignity, which is universal, indivisible and absolute, by obeying the dream of the soul his whole life.

the absolute truth

What people in the world report because an experience has become an internal or external event for them can broaden the individual's newly acquired insight and perspective on his own life. Success is measured when there is a harmony in the innermost being with what is said. In the present moment, a person can grasp a small spectrum of reality. The new knowledge acquired through others can accompany a person for a lifetime. There is no such thing as a crazy world, except when a guru imagines something and wants to present his thing to his students as the absolute truth.

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति
गुलाबनगरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने
गल्ल्याः कोणेषु च गच्छन् वस्तूनि विना
कालः समाप्तः भवति
कमानयुक्तद्वारस्य अधः
अश्वः स्वस्य हार्नेस् मुक्तः अस्ति
अश्वः तेन सह गच्छति स्म
तस्य हस्ते
सः समलैङ्गिकद्वयं नेति
अश्वाः पृष्ठे परस्परं स्पृशन्ति
अश्वानाम् स्तनस्य स्थाने
स्त्री अश्वस्य योनिषु
शाश्वतः भ्रमकः सम्प्रति इच्छति
व्यावसायिकवस्त्रं विना कार्यं आरभत
यत् सः यौवने एव त्यक्तवान्