Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021

For better legal protection for people on the move!
Refugees in Switzerland are exposed to discrimination and human rights violations: through inadequate accommodation, inadequate legal protection in the asylum procedure, wrong human rights decisions by the migration authorities or deportation to the precarious emergency aid system. These abuses have to be systematically prosecuted and humane treatment of refugees has to be achieved in court.

The disturbing images of people on the run do not stop. Media reports of devastating conditions in refugee camps, violent clashes and pushbacks at European borders reach us every day. But Switzerland not only contributes to the European refugee policy, within its own national borders the living conditions of refugees are just as precarious.

With the support of the UNHCR, will set up the coordination of strategic litigation in the area of ​​asylum and migration from 2022. There are already various aid organizations, NGO and solidarity collectives in Switzerland that support people on the run. Now we would like to make our contribution by joining forces and remedying the deficits identified in individual cases before courts - if necessary at the European Court of Human Rights or the UN Committee against Torture - on the basis of case law.

Support refugees who, with our help, can bring their case to a court and thus improve the situation for all those affected in Switzerland. It takes a lot of courage, perseverance and the resources to fund the campaign around a process - donate now!

With kind regards

Marianne Aeberhard
Head of project access to law / manager

in the garden

with long
through the
upper floors

he throws himself
even out
into the moonlit night
out of the window

on the water
falls a sailor sack

the man
continues to rage
in the
lower floors
in front of an audience
on the pier
and in the garden

Η έκθεση

Η έκθεση
Ήταν καλό
και χωρίς
μια αμοιβή

γιατί α
σε ένα περβάζι

είναι δύο
Δραχμές χιλιάδες
να πληρώσω

To: William Wordsworth

The living
has us
for a short life span
determined and chosen

not an hour
brings us
from our beginning
back into nothingness

with the grass
to the flower we are related
we are all wilting
when there is nothing left of us

from the scent of flowers
of tenderness
that of the following
want to join in a mourning song


Das Leben
hat uns 
für eine kurze Lebensspanne 
bestimmt und gewählt

keine Stunde
bringt uns
aus unserem Anfang
in das Nichts zurück

mit dem Gras
der Blume sind wir verwandt
wir welken alle
wenn von uns nichts mehr bleibt

vom Duft der Blumen
der Zärtlichkeit
dem die Nachfolgenden
ein Trauerlied einstimmen wollen



An: Arno Schmidt

ein ferner Traum
stürzte sich gewalttätig 
in die Gedankenwelt
am hellen Tag 

dem Schmutzfleck 
mit Scham bedeckt
in mein Gesicht
mir nach