Samstag, 11. August 2018

on the way

Life holds little to the art of conversation. Contrary to this, to exclude thoughts, opposites, a complicity, against the dogma of autonomous pure reason, to charge the unreasonable, to raise.

In the creation of a variety of conflicting culture, we are born into it. The new politico-social doctrine of "racial segregation" ("Hats, non-Habsburgs", in polemics, typically arises in a mostly heated dispute over political, literary or scholarly discussions), gives birth to the word (mighty), the better solution.

Hatred is always directed against what is alien to us, through wrong methods of subjective self-inquiry (eg questions - answers - inner dialogue, to understanding, to the statement, to the word) whose distortion of the result of a possible one subjective elevation that excludes the reality of life.

We are the other in us, not what we want to do. We are in our body ajar prisoners for a short time of the world. The creature out there, the likeness.

At the moment the cultural revolution is described by developments in the mental and / or processes, to differentiate between high culture and mass culture. The subject is excluded from the outset, excreted, excreted.

There is the universal human, the dogma of indivisible human dignity, which must be a political, social, spiritual, global zeal.

The victims are those who are unwilling to pay the gift of life, by their philosophical arrogance.

Answers means to understand that freedom is in-between, not eternal, not always on the way to the finale.

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