Dienstag, 29. März 2022

there is little

To me can someone
say what he wants
the truth got me to this day
not yet welcomed

there is little to celebrate today
as i can observe it
that we us
without batting an eyelash
hit each other's heads

I have no one to say
what to do or not to do

is he a buddha
a God
an emperor
a spiritual
a Taoist
a mighty one in the world

the most
stands by the knowledge create
available to people
in the books

the knowledge has to
be patient with nature
from which consciousness
grown up
knowledge accumulates on knowledge

every person
whether successful
whether enlightened
or not
is the indivisible human dignity


To me
can anybody
say what he wants
the truth got me to this day
not yet welcomed

there is little to celebrate today
as i can observe it
that we us
without batting an eyelash
hit each other's heads

I have no one to say
what to do or not to do

is he a buddha
a God
an emperor
a spiritual
a Taoist
a mighty one in the world

the most
stands by the knowledge create
available to people
in the books

the knowledge has to
be patient with nature
from which consciousness
grown up
knowledge accumulates on knowledge

every person
whether successful
whether enlightened
or not
is the indivisible human dignity

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