Montag, 14. März 2022

The world

The world
the nature
we are nature

The life
without too
the people

the soul
the Spirit
is in us

the training
the soul
through the dream
in every human being

the soul
knows our machinations
leading us to the abyss

the soul she is so old
like humanity itself

the world outside
of the feasible
our hubris
that of worldly pride
in the mirror image
the soul
has each of us
over generations
in the dream
warned against it for new insight

The life
on mother earth
has been since the beginning
the incarnation
with need and misery
with the night sea voyage
of each
for testing

with death
as our ultimate goal
determined by the soul

we are the displaced
from paradise
fraught with unrest
the day
in progress
and thoughts
for the better
the attempt

that I
our consciousness
on the descent into hell
in a storm in a hurricane
on the subconscious
the soul of the high seas

heroes want
the contradiction
of the living

that of the inner world
to be in between
of the human
unite to the outside world

in humility
the simple things
Step by step
with the attempt
for the better
the new act

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