Freitag, 26. November 2021


We would be happy to draw your attention to the following events in December 2021:


Sexism in Public Space: Street Harassment
November 30th, online

What is street harassment and what research is there on it? Why is it so difficult for those affected to defend themselves? What solutions are needed to tackle street harassment? Which actors are in demand? The speaker Manuela Hofer is a political scientist and social worker. After several years of practical experience as a social worker, she teaches and researches at the FH Campus Wien.

additional Information

Third-party placements and their effects on life paths
December 7th, Bern and online

Foreign placements are defining cuts in life. If self-determination and personal rights are not given enough consideration in the context of measures, the negative effects - for education, for social and professional integration, for livelihood security - can mark the life paths of people well into old age. The situation of children and adolescents who have been placed abroad and their relatives is examined in a number of research projects of NRP 76. The three research projects presented allow insights into the life paths of people placed outside of the community and show possible consequences. At the dialogue event, the first results will be presented and, together with representatives from practice, placed in the current context.

More information

20 years of the Swiss National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
December 13, Bern and online

At the event you will get an insight into the work of the Swiss NCP based on specific mediation cases. In the second part of the event, representatives of various stakeholder groups dare to look ahead to the future of the NKP's activities and responsible corporate management. The youth will also have their say.

More information

Further events on various human rights issues can be found here.



With kind regards

Marianne Aeberhard
Managing director

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