Montag, 15. November 2021


Terre des hommes -

The children of Gaza: a generation under blockade
In Gaza, most children under the age of 15 have never seen the outside world. The imposed blockade affects the living conditions of their families. Because of the poverty, the children work instead of going to school. The COVID-19 restrictions and the violent clashes in May 2021 have increased her psychological suffering. When will they be able to live like other children?

Last May, after Ramadan, the people of Gaza were preparing for the festival of sacrifice when the first bombs hit. Mahmoud *, a 15-year-old boy, was at home with his family. Through the corrugated iron roof he saw the flames of the explosions. “We were terrified when we saw the light from the missiles. We went down to my grandfather's apartment, where we stayed until everything had calmed down and a ceasefire was announced. I was scared and not in the mood to go up again. "

After eleven days of fighting and numerous appeals from the international community, the ceasefire came into force. In collaboration with three local partner organizations that cover the entire Gaza Strip, the Terre des hommes (Tdh) teams organized initial psychological care, counseling and orientation talks, as well as leisure activities for children and distributed hygiene items to the families most affected.

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