Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021

Frontex referendum

No money for human rights violations!

Disturbing images reach us from Italy, Croatia and Greece: Refugees from war zones are beaten, robbed and driven back at the EU's external borders.

The border protection organization Frontex supports the national authorities at the EU's external border. It is financed by the Schengen member states, including Switzerland.

In the past few years, their competencies have been steadily expanded. Various research by organizations and the media shows that Frontex is not only a witness to the massive human rights violations at the EU's external border, but has also actively participated in them on several occasions.

Violence, misery and death at the EU's external border must stop! If Frontex tramples on human rights, Switzerland is not allowed to participate.

Parliament now wants to pay 61 million a year for Frontex instead of the previous 14 million. We demand: No money for human rights violations! We are looking for 5,000 committed people for the collective start of the referendum, will you help?

Frontex plays a central role in the serious human rights violations. The controversial European border and coast guard is now to be expanded - with more money from Switzerland.


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