Dienstag, 6. April 2021

Reply to: Jasmine Rose

The human being
from the laws
the nature

the wholesome
according to his imagination
in a general teaching

for believers
same spirit
to proclaim

the feeling
the feeling
can be contradicting

to a dogma
the spiritual leader
the obedience
of values
of their faith

in worldly practice
in hierarchies
by people's representatives

in the rite
in confession
compliance with the commandments
in instruction
and in the sermon
want to enforce

Death and war
Pride and bravery
the claim to power
and obedience
is in the basic attitude
the mighty
despite education
and democratization
til today

the gods
depending on how you view the world
emerge from the soul
with new faces
with time
they disappear again

the attitudes
are in the jurisprudence
although held

but will in fact
the judgment is made
only material decided

the spirits
must be to the believer
be an internal event

if an experience
does not deceive the believer
he will be of mercy
talk about it

that the mind over
the whole world
loves his chosen ones
is merciful
and never mischief
will wreak havoc against them

Yahweh makes the exception here

Who without sin
without malice
who are his enemies

who the ugliness
The privilege
to beauty there

the enemy
to its truth
does not want to teach

not lust and joy
on profit
of possession
Money and power
in his life
means for himself
throw the first stone

the evil
like the good
are in thought
Words don't
to reconcile

Words like
and justice
are indivisible
human dignity
to subordinate

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