Montag, 5. April 2021

Reply to: Jasmine Rose

Simple people
perform their
day-to-day work
without obedience
of another
who rules us
submit to
to have to

the woman was
the man
not subject
she is the keeper
of real life

body and soul
are inseparable

we have to ourselves
in caution
and meet with dignity

we experience the world
in the mirror of the soul
in us
in our innermost being

no one else
has to tell us
where we our
Body to sleep
should lie down

we don't need light
to night
that brings us
the soul in the dream

the work him
to understand
belongs to the processing
in the day

the soul
brings us with it
to new insight
become more conscious
what in everyday life
to do
and what not

the doubt
to our point of view
and the traditional teaching
even if we are human
are and remain imperfect
try the better daily


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