Sonntag, 21. März 2021

Reply to: Introverted Thoughts

Every human has
in his own reality
his own imagination

the subconscious
your own consciousness
insinuate in humility
from which the dream is given to us

the stars are reflected
in the ocean of the soul

we are the victim of ourselves
of determination
according to the laws of the soul

the war ravages
Land and life
progress only counts
the generals of power

our heart beats continuously
of internal stitches
and external pain
penetrated and littered

the dream to the child
his mother
in life and in the world

live with all passion
and in spite of everything humility
indivisible dignity
of people care

we are all burdened with guilt
we are all imperfect beings
we have to practice better every day

the purity just a thought
our hands can
do not wash our sins
do not remove

Need fantasies
we for our
own life

the freedom in our body
we don't exist
the body is as a unit
connected with the soul

we can't for others
take flight

a paradise
that there is no such thing on earth

is in the poem
next to the beauty
our inner ugly face

not the rain
his drumming
on the devastated face

just make an effort
the dedication to one's own
dark side
with her through everyday life
to go
Step by step

I have no message
I try to answer
so that I can get along better


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