Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023
Düşünceler, sözcüğe obur bir matadorun basitliğine karşı savaşır. Birisi böyle konuşuyor. Bunun için her deneyim ve olay. Kafasındaki şapkaya uymuyor. Bir başkasının yüzü ancak bunu yapmak için içsel bir isteklilik olduğunda parlar. Bir insana ait her iz, insanlık tarihinin sonsuz dalgalarına, katman katman batar. Bir süpernovadaki elmas, arka plan parıltısındaki toz bulutları bunu rapor edene kadar evrende parlatılır. Biz zamanız. kısa bir zaman içinde. Hayatın devamı için canlılara ihtiyacı vardır. Kötülük seçilmiş ve haklı olanda durmaz. Toprak Ana yerçekimi ile bizi aşağıdan alır. Sanki sonsuzluğun gökkubbesinin ve duvarlarının üzerinden atlayabilirmiş gibi, insandaki maneviyattan çok şey bekleniyor. Sonunda her insan kendini kaybeder.Mutlak bizim istek ve arzularımızla ilgilenmez. Her şey yeryüzüne bir kan ağlamasıyla başladı. Yeniden doğuş, yaşam olduğu sürece, torunlara aittir, peygamberlere ve kendini bilge ilan edenlere ve tanrılara değil.
without a roof
From back then
on the hillside
a place to stay
dwelling place
in the garden
old walls
to the end of life
the growth rings
the own
to spend
without a roof
la sete
Vicino a placare la sete
per intima unione
con furbizia
movimento abile
giù per la montagna
dei sentimenti
finisce l'ignoto
giù nella valle nel bar
per le immersioni
a lume di candela
tra gli altri
quelli che si svegliano
a la mattina
mettre dedans
Héritage de la chaise de l'ancêtre
une amélioration experte
attendre les biens ménagers
En haut des escaliers
le conduire à l'appartement royal
le nouvel empereur
le fauteuil
mettre dedans
ce vers le bas
le toucher
à travers le souffle d'une fille
maison de repos
avec un casting étranger
aliéné d'avoir exposé être
Les magasins ont fermé les portes du quartier
Qu'il s'agisse d'un départ
à travers le paysage de la vallée
réussir soi-même
the bad guys
death by poison
without emotion
without rebellion
the accompanying suffering
the bad guys
the others
le jour nouveau
en rêvant
mesurer les autres
en toute sérénité
au fur et à mesur
en communauté
à travers le brouillard le matin
le jour nouveau
အတွင်းအသိုင်းအဝိုင်းကို ပြန်သွားပါ။
la boite noire
Pensées recueillies
dans la boite noire
sur la table de chevet
est-ce que c'est chaud
dans ce
le moi endormi
trouver à nouveau
pour reconnaître
avec quelle énergie
à quel raccordement
топать и пинать
Война похотливой ненависти и гнева
перед лицом
Искупитель Бог
молитва для оправдания
собственное зло
обеими ногами
на теле
всего человечества
топать и пинать
Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023
vita nostra
vita nostra
cadit nobiscum
omnis fabula
qui da nobis crucem
ad induendum quod
non carus nobis.
مثل یه خدا
با نگاهی متکبرانه
مجاز توسط دیگران
در سنگ مرمر سفید
حجاری شده
حواس او
افکار او
به کتیبه
حکم شما در مورد واقعیت موجودات
بدون بصیرت
مثل یه خدا
مقتدر بودن در همه چیز
source of moods
Open field of world touches
on the skin
subjected to the senses
to the source of moods
as protection in the inner circle
ensnare the heart more tightly
tutam unum
Litteris conantur formare verba
significatio entis
tutam unum
ut ostenderet
et dare
Utanç kalır
Gül fidanının atölyeden görünümü
Pencereden içeri giren ışıkta çiçek kokusu
Utanç kalır
Günler süren hastalıktan sonra
yokluk için özür dilerim
Dienstag, 20. Juni 2023
becomes clear
Fast thinking
the way
to the heart
into one's own mind and feelings
steer in
the soul knows on which path its own destiny
has its meaning and purpose
follow their voice even if
the soul is said to speak softly
the soul is the unknown you within us
the soul is the stranger that through experience
in silence in communion with her
to the inner world of the outer world becomes clear
теперь страх и тревога бродят по площади бункера
смотрели силой всего человечества
стоический и жесткий во внутренней дистанции и одиночестве
из которого нет выхода
magna et minuta
omnia magna et minuta;
et crescet et evolvere
omnino silentio
significatio eius
omnium nostrum
ab anima
explicare atque interpretari.
of need
Fugue of emerging sound images
out of nowhere
their luminosity of need
of the people
an acknowledgment and healing
should be helpful
close to your being
that arises in me
as if I were an interchangeable thing
in your presence your power in me
attracted in thought
to drive out of my own skin
hence the escape
to seize
صورت سایه
صورت سایه
سر روحانی جهان
با هیچ چیز
هستی انسان ها
آموزش متون مقدس
به عنوان یک برگزیده
در خلأ صحبت می کند
определенность для других
диктат и подлость
в жестком движении
собственная непогрешимость
превыше всего
бессознательно пристрастился ко злу
the stairs in the dark
dreams ignored
not interpreted
awakening day opens
lost anxieties
the fear of
own life
door and gate
on the trail
Always on the trail of being
the impossible
do grief work
there is in us
in there in being
us our short time
every day
The soul cannot be
comprehended by the mind
the soul
on all paths
in all existence
those who have ears
to hear
sees in himself
what the soul has to say
to us every day
Montag, 19. Juni 2023
by us
The soul speaks in us
with a thousand votes
until we detail
their destiny explained to us
what they us to us
has to say to the world
the voices of the outside are in charge
the stories in the union of you and me
with the distinction
thereby to your own
brought into our being by us
The nigh
The night in us before the beginning
before the birth of the light of the stars
the soul weaves its voice in us
in the whiteice of the inner firne
sumus tempus
Hoc est humanum
luctantem lacrimis
et vere intelligit animam suam
pro brevi tempore
in aeternum
tum temporis est
pulchritudinem facit quod ad me
cor meum rumpit fere cotidie
Not wanted
whiteice spilling over
thrown out in the snow
the bickering of who needs whom
into the void
if the dream
the upper rim
the canvas
along the black
the root cause
revealed to being
In the morning
In the morning uninterpreted dreams become
invisible on the gravel path
in a bus
driven away
in two
Way of the Cross in the twilight
pointing nowhere in a direction
crowd to the river
that the city
divides the hearts in two
to report
words wander
on white sheet
through the lines
what they tell us
to report
where did the message come from
don't tell them
that demands
Image stitched together
from fragments
which as a coat of arms
cannot suggest to the observer
who it is a testimony to
that demands a submission
to the right
one should meet the community bareheaded
as an indivisible thing
to the right to exist
to be acknowledged
skinning of heart
The core shadow
devotion of mind
skinning of heart
incorporated therewith
as not acknowledged
in the community
nobody knows
remembering the order
examining its content
nobody knows
the heartbeat of the soul
the powerful in the outside world want to see it displayed
know and subject to punishment
out of the wall
behind the lift column
comes the child
early in the morning
the break bread
leading to mouth
out of the wall
in the way
desires for freedom
past the inner battle front
there were too many
to the field of mind
for peaceful union
charged to the future
those who feel lifeless
in the way
have vomited their being
this now
in remembrance
this now
to the da
a you
in mind
In understandable
to wear
non protetto
Nel tumulto interiore
nel loro dramma eterno
se stesso come uno
tra i morti
e il vivente
riconoscere non protetto
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