Donnerstag, 1. April 2021

Reply to: alias D

The ugliness
is the brother of beauty

both are in the event
through experience
in our memories
anchored in our here and now

we avoid the experience
of evil
and mean us
than the truly good ones

life wants
be in everything
and pass away
about our

The life
our own
is not power
of your own hand

no heart is made of stone
It hits
in every human being

nobody is allowed to
his voice
armed with a motto

People are not things
at which one directed
force her to do better

we are all imperfect
either on purpose
or do it in the unconscious

the dream makes
no promises
he stands over
our conscious want
to our decisions

practice the better
of what the dream makes us
want to say to new insight

the past
memory catches up with us
what we do in ours
have spoiled

what we ourselves
in the place where we are
cannot change
we have to endure that

the truth
beautiful or not
nobody has
in words
and his actions
to possession

violence against others
starts with it
one's own worldview

your own needs
in unauthorized doing

in a premise
to build for others

every human being
has the duty
yourself about it
in his conscience
to talk
yourself for the better
to repent


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