Montag, 5. April 2021
Reply to: Pratha Nayak
It's never too late for us
even if we
not achieved everything
what we have set ourselves in the head
Reply to: Jasmine Rose
It is sufficient
to do things
that are really waiting
the success can be seen in that
that the man not only
should help the woman
the man should
all household chores
can take over
so that the woman
their calling
can exercise
material prosperity
can from the
arise from poverty of heart
everyone should have the inner voice
obey and serve
indivisible human dignity
from everyone around the world
insinuate in humility
the first
the elite
with greed for money
power and profit
are therefore for us
not a good role model
above all one should
their own downsides
make yourself aware
a human
from a low caste
it has the same weight
like the special ones
the geniuses
the immortals
under grace
of a believed God
want that
wish that
and want
the basic attitude
to lifestyle
do for the better
the self-observation
Reply to: Hemalatha Ramesh
We are all
indivisible human dignity
we are all
made of the same materiality
we search with zeal
the lost paradise
back to us
sometimes too late
with insight
that it is paradise
in earth life
of the human
never gave
I go with myself
hand in hand in everything
i take the dreams
the soul for me seriously
I don't have to go with anyone
to be in a competition
i do the work
that's ready for me
I trust the mirror
the soul
she tells me
the stranger in you
that "you" don't know yet
that is "you" yourself
I was loved back
and was too weak
to understand it
and really to be grasped
the soul is reality itself
from which i
through my mother
chosen into an earth life
उत्तर: सारिका राणा
लोग कहते हैं
यह प्यार है
अगर आँखें
मेरे अंदर
छू लिया है
ये लोग
मुझ पर जियो
भले ही
दर्दनाक था
ये लोग
किसी अन्य द्वारा नहीं हैं
मेरे नज़दीक
सेवा मेरे
प्रतिस्थापित करें
यह बनी हुई है
मुझमें विंट्री
बहुत सर्दी
मैं करूंगा
बंद दरवाजे
फिर कभी कोशिश मत करो
उन्हें खोलने के लिए
Ответ на: Saania Спаркл
С моим собственным страхом
и с паникой
идти рука об руку
с обоими
а верный
с ней
в сомнениях
подумай в первую очередь
что хочет левая рука
правая рука
смей лучше
उत्तर: सारिका राणा
स्वर्ग की रोटी
आत्मा में बेक किया हुआ है
बुरे लोग
और अच्छे लोग
अविभाज्य गरिमा के हैं
हम हर दिन बदलते हैं
हमारा लक्ष्य मृत्यु है
चुप एक
हमारी माँ की आत्मा
ख्याल रखता है
परित्यक्त लोगों के लिए
अकेला लोग
हम बहनें हैं
जानवरों के भाई
उनकी भावनाएँ हैं
हमारे जैसे
हम हर चीज से जुड़े हैं
और ब्रह्मांड के साथ
उत्तर: सारिका रानाप्रिल और सारिका राणा
महान माँ
हम हे
हम कहाँ हैं
दुख में
विपत्ति में
एक में
घर पर आत्मा
वो आत्मा
रखने के लिए
आंखों में
आत्मा की रक्षा
एक सपना में
और दिन पर
एक माँ की तरह
आत्मा है
हमारा प्रकाश
कुल अंधेरे में
अंधेरे में
और दिन पर
हम संबंधित हैं
आत्मा के बच्चों के रूप में
वो आत्मा
हमारी महान माँ
हमारा डर है कि
तो आप का
दयालु हाथ
कि नाभि नाल
अंदर से
और बाहर से
आत्मा को
फाड़ा जा सकता है
отвечать кому: Пэт Гарсия
такое же вещество
как песок
и камни
душа соединяет
c участием
в реальная жизнь
каждый субъективный момент
с глазами
во внутрь
и направлен наружу
становится притчей
k Проницательность и понимание
без специального скрипта
и инструкция
Respondendum est: po Schenker
De viris
in utero coagulum
ad quaerere
Reply to: Corinna Benezé
The word written
or spoken
belongs to the world
the text
the reason for Art
an independent one
to his being
it interferes
it not
he can
face reality
its digits
on paper
do not resist it
on nursery rhyme
of handwriting
on parchment
of the noble
the transcript
as a thesis
as a proposition
for all eternity
petulant and stubborn
only the reader
Адказ: Дамінік
той, што ўнутры
да рэальнай падзеі
ад чалавека
для азнаямлення
кожны дзень
да лепшага
Respondens ad: Pat Garcia
Quia omnis
unus puella
unus puer
et resurrectionis erimus
unus anima
Reply to: DiosRaw
I stand on my feet
not on those of the others
the riot
in me I have to
understand first
before I
of another
can set my judgment
to understand means to answer
the soul leaves nothing
the act in memory
not erase the event
Reply to: Jasmine Rose
Simple people
perform their
day-to-day work
without obedience
of another
who rules us
submit to
to have to
the woman was
the man
not subject
she is the keeper
of real life
body and soul
are inseparable
we have to ourselves
in caution
and meet with dignity
we experience the world
in the mirror of the soul
in us
in our innermost being
no one else
has to tell us
where we our
Body to sleep
should lie down
we don't need light
to night
that brings us
the soul in the dream
the work him
to understand
belongs to the processing
in the day
the soul
brings us with it
to new insight
become more conscious
what in everyday life
to do
and what not
the doubt
to our point of view
and the traditional teaching
even if we are human
are and remain imperfect
try the better daily
उत्तर: आस्था श्रीवास्तव
मेरा डर
मेरी आतंक
मेरा आतंक
तीन बहनें
उनकी शक्ति में
मुझे बनाओ
सांस लेना मुश्किल
मैं खड़ा
मेरे साथ
छोटे जागरूकता
मेरे बचपन से
बीच में
उनके बीच
मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूँ
मेरा काम
विनम्रता में
एक आत्मा को
दिन - दैनिक
कदम से कदम
ऐसा करने के लिए
Frica mea
panica mea
groaza mea
mă însoțesc
încă din copilăria mea
la loial
în reflecție
din interior și din exterior
Απάντηση σε: στυλό σημείου μελέτης
Ενας άνθρωπος
με ειδική πνευματική
δημιουργικές δεξιότητες
των εμπνεύσεών του
κάθε μέρα
η ψυχή
προς το
να ευχαριστήσω
πρέπει να της ψυχής
ταπεινά για αυτό
μπορεί να είναι ευγνώμων
Sonntag, 4. April 2021
Question to: Joe Biden
All people
are of indivisible human dignity
Allies of light
i don't understand
who do you mean by that?
Reply to: Dios Raw
The soul
from the source
of the cosmos
the dreams
rise to
from the
Inside of life
home to the soul
to the
of people
their believed gods
that you in us
choose us
the partner
for reproduction
the gift
to the children
we must
learn our
to interpret dreams
the people
the stranger
accompany in us
of the other
who is alive in us
shows us touched
speaks to us
we are from the bud
in the here and now
the shelter
in service
in need and illness
the one soul
Samstag, 3. April 2021
Reply to: rajani singh
Our feeling
our sensations
are not under the custody
in a fortress
of clearly referential
Reality of true hit
cooped up
life itself
from the bud
we all are
nobody else
than ourselves
can us the
Day and night
the need in ourselves
im realize now
in the show
on our face
on the movement
the gesture
our expression
through word and language
in the future
Reply to: loveurownlife
We all have
your own life
through our mother
as a present
on planet earth
through our birth
we must in everything
the little simple ones
things to do
and do not expect
with hope and belief
that our
short life
still to a paradise
must become
उत्तर: शंकी नमकीन
एक शब्द भी नहीं
पुस्तक नहीं
गहराई कर सकते हैं
वो आत्मा
सभी लोगों की
थाह लेना
जीवन ही
हमारे लिए एक रहस्य बना हुआ है
आत्मा बोलती है
हर इंसान में
अपने तरीके से
उसकी अंतरात्मा के अनुसार
उनकी उत्पत्ति के बारे में
शरणार्थियों के बारे में
उनकी त्वचा का रंग
भूख से मरना
महिलाओं का उल्लंघन
और उनके बच्चे
अपने खुद के विचारों के खिलाफ
अपने खिलाफ
निर्णय लें
जब एक भावना
जातीय घृणा का
हम में उगता है
अपने आप में
फैलाना चाहता है
बिना पर
मानव गरिमा
सभी लोगों की
पर ध्यान देना
हम लोगों की विविधता है
हम सभी हैं
एक आत्मा की माँ से
मैं किसी और को नहीं उठा सकता
खुद से
हर दिन बेहतर अभ्यास करने के लिए
मैं हर दिन जाता हूं
आत्मा के स्कूल के लिए सपने में
नई अंतर्दृष्टि के लिए
मैंने क्या बिगाड़ा है
एक नया रास्ता लेने के लिए
आत्मा हमें जगाना चाहती है
हमारी चेतना
अवचेतन में खुद को
अजनबी से
हम में देखने के लिए
हम नशे में हैं
हमारी इंद्रियाँ
और भी व्यापक दिन के उजाले में
उस की तुलना में
वास्तव में हम क्या हैं
हम अपूर्ण हैं
कमजोर प्राणी
हमें कोई नहीं जानता
हमें दूसरे
असली सच्चाई
स्वयं का मन घृणित हो जाता है
जीवन के अर्थ के लिए एक सबक
शब्दों में दूसरों के लिए हमारी सच्चाई
एक छलनी की तरह जीभ से कपड़े पहनना
I have ... you
not answered
on the
that you like me
my memory
to you
keeps me loyal
on your face
every day
my thoughts
my feelings
my sensations
are not flawless
you speak in me
without me before
Your farewell
something to say
I find the way
no more
back to your familiar
I read in solitude
from the stones along the way
Your letter to me
it's a big wind
in me
if you
in my self
come along
in the wedding dress
of a blossoming apple tree
I have not become wise
under your eyes
which my lips
my words to you
let them become mute
You chose me then
not touched
and let go forever
Ответ: Владимиру Владимировичу Путину
Я понимаю ваше отношение
с тех пор, как вы вступили в должность
на седьмой мая две тысячи
в отношениях с людьми
в своей стране
а также
не за границей
सयोनारा प्रथा नायक
कि मैं इंसान हूं
इससे जुड़ा हुआ
मेरी मां
मेरी जान दे दी
उसकी वसीयत में
मेरी आत्मा
मेरे लिए कुछ भी नहीं है
ऐसी बात कही
कि मैं अब इंसान हूं
मेरे बालों के झड़ने के साथ
हो गए हैं
मैं इंसान हूं
यदि मैं
का पता लगाएं
या नहीं
у адданасці
пераўтвараецца ў зараз
для дарослай жанчыны
было гэта
гэта стала ёй
у машыне дадому
у гэтым зараз
яна нахіляецца
у іх уяўленні
свайму дзіцяці
без сораму і злосці
у рэальнасці
раней за ўсіх
у адданасці
гэта ў любым выпадку
Reply to: Hemalatha Ramesh
The doctrine of emptiness
It's war
it's the killing
by women
children and people
out there
of which it is
not amazing
that the one soul
a hurricane
of angry
ghosts in us
the panic and fear
stirs up in us
what we did
or not
that can
in the soul
do not erase
the germ
the corn
that in us
to come to life
comes from the source
the one soul
we are to the outside
and the inside
or not loved
we have no
key us
not even from others
us out of trouble
to save it
we have to try
in particular
step by step
try the better
in our daily work
to anchor
الرد على: farras fil'azis
غير قابل للتجزئة
كرامة الإنسان
فينا جميعًا
حسب القانون
من خلال الروح
الراسية في الناس
في أسلافنا
في كل الشعوب
من الأرض الأم
من خلال واحد
واقع الروح
تعترف الروح
عن الروح
في المرأة
في الطفل
والعالم غير المرئي
في كل إنسان
الشهود والملوك
يجب أن تتعلم كل يوم
أن ما
يخبرنا في المنام
لتفسير وفهم
Freitag, 2. April 2021
egy lyukban a földben
az az esemény
attól a pillanattól kezdve
ott az írásbeli
nem több
kell halhatatlanná
a papírlyukasztók
a papírkötők
a postafiók alatt
kint a kertben
várják a végüket
egy lyukban a földben
Reply to: Jasmine Rose
All people
are of origin
of life
to the incarnation
which is still going on today
those who go into that
those who have come alive
the one soul
recognizes the same dignity
from mother
and father
of sisters and brothers
the angry one; one-eyed (believed) God
snatched from the woman
the spiritual dignity
as an equal person
he; this (imaginary) one god
whispers to the man to this day
the woman was from his rib
him; subject to the man
the dream
does not mean domination
of men
over a country
the total claim
about mother earth
and the universe around them
the dream wants the people
in his worldview
bring to new insight
every person
should interpret his dreams
and understand
don't presume
the other in the deep
of his being
through his dream interpretation
by a doctrine
to be able to understand
the soul has patriarchy
in the minds of men
tolerated over the millennia
it is time
in tough argument
to put the woman as equal
the woman and her children
must not be suppressed; raped, killed
to be sacrificed and sold
Reply to: Jasmine Rose
Human dignity
cannot add value
created by that
own entrepreneurship
the one with neoliberalism
as a worldview
and mission statement draws level
let it be fulfilled
to those people
so with it the acceptance
should be achieved
together with the mighty
pull right away
who rule the world
those through slave labor
Child labor
War, torture and oppression
around the globe
for their profit
take advantage of the weak
Odpowiedz do: Jasmine Rose
czas mojego życia
ze mną
o słowie
mój ja
i mój ty
we mnie
nie zgodziliśmy się
co to za słowo
nas do rzeczywistości
w naszym subiektywnym momencie
powinno mieć znaczenie
Отвечать на: Жасмин Роза
Все люди
являются неделимым достоинство
каждый человек
должен быть
к себе
быть ответственным
Отвечать на:
Жасмин Роза
যেন তারা ছিল
কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন রাত আকাশে চিন্তা
সর্বশক্তিমান হতে
মিত্র যুদ্ধবাজদের বিপদ
কমান্ড করতে সক্ষম হতে
Donnerstag, 1. April 2021
Reply To: Burgundy Blooms
The victory
after a
in battle
to achieve
that is the language
the Almighty
humility helps
with the
own imperfection
every day
to be in touch
Reply to: rajanisingh
My fear
hold me back
things to do
which I otherwise
would regret
The life
holds nothing
from that
what we ourselves
with our longing
call it a miracle
the dead
knock inside of us
to our door
from what they
in their own life
have charged themselves with guilt
they ask us
for forgiveness
I go with my spoiled
that I don't want to suppress
with my fear
my own way
the drive of life
want me every day
try to dare the better
का जवाब: क्रिस्टीन
मेरा जीवन
नजाने कहां से
मेरा अपना घर नहीं है
मेरे सपने
मेरे पास है
स्व निर्मित नहीं
नृत्य शुरू होता है
हर कदम के साथ
मुझ में ढोते हैं
मेरे तरीकों पर
मेरे साथ
वो आत्मा
फैलता है
मुझ मे
फिर से उभरने में
लहरों का
में वजन का होता है
मेरा सपना
सोने के दौरान
मेरी कहानी
के नीचे
निचली परत के बादल
बाकी है
दरांती के नीचे
चंद्रमा का पीला
तुम्हारी आँखें
मेरे होठों को छू लो
एक घटना के रूप में
मेरे अतीत से
मैं तुम्हें सहारा देता हूं
एक बच्चे की तरह
पूरे मन से
मेरे दिल मेँ
Reply to: alias D
The ugliness
is the brother of beauty
both are in the event
through experience
in our memories
anchored in our here and now
we avoid the experience
of evil
and mean us
than the truly good ones
life wants
be in everything
and pass away
about our
The life
our own
is not power
of your own hand
no heart is made of stone
It hits
in every human being
nobody is allowed to
his voice
armed with a motto
People are not things
at which one directed
force her to do better
we are all imperfect
either on purpose
or do it in the unconscious
the dream makes
no promises
he stands over
our conscious want
to our decisions
practice the better
of what the dream makes us
want to say to new insight
the past
memory catches up with us
what we do in ours
have spoiled
what we ourselves
in the place where we are
cannot change
we have to endure that
the truth
beautiful or not
nobody has
in words
and his actions
to possession
violence against others
starts with it
one's own worldview
your own needs
in unauthorized doing
in a premise
to build for others
every human being
has the duty
yourself about it
in his conscience
to talk
yourself for the better
to repent
My restlessness
is the answer
the soul
that I
my steps
in the wrong one
direction moving
when my words
noone else
touch people
then tell me
my soul
without words
that they
my voice
does not need
for the blessing
that they each
human beings
in his innermost being
revealed in the source
Mittwoch, 31. März 2021
का जवाब दें: सारिका राणा
एक भूत
हर किसी के दिल में है
इसके अस्थिर आकार
और हजारों
परिवर्तनशील चेहरे
सब कुछ बंद
स्रोत आता है
वास्तविकता का होना चाहिए
एक आत्मा का पालन करना
Dienstag, 30. März 2021
The indivisible human dignity
The indivisible human dignity
stands above a person
- as the holder of a spiritual teaching
- and a person on his political mission
Reply to: Hans Joachim Iwand
The soul knows itself
no distinction
we are
the evil one
and the good
the soul gives us
the gift
before the left
hand wants something
with the right hand
the better
to practice in everyday life
to believe means to trust
on what you can't see
can not understand
everything must
in us
be an event
consciously with it
the next step
for the better dare
Reply to: Lê Vĩnh Tài
We are the children
our mother
the mother
who the man
for procreation
of the new life chosen
the men
have the power of women
snatched away
and murder and slaughter
without bad conscience
the mother shapes us
the words from her lips
the worthy women
hide their shame
they sell
their mind to one
male absolute adherence
the men oppress the woman
she is out of her mind
good to use
for housework
and raising children
the woman must
out of the shadows
the wickedness of power
of men free
Reply to: tkbrown
The living
is and all of us
a gift
The life
is the answer
the soul
since its inception
us as a secret
on mother earth
the incarnation
which is still in progress
we have time
not infinite
not for possession
Time is one
of measurability
between the
there and the distant one
a parable
between birth
and death im there
we all have
the task
our destiny
through our life
to follow the soul
Montag, 29. März 2021
На морозе
На морозе
чистый бушующий горный ручей
мой спутник
перед водопадом
тающая вода
падает вниз
с ревущим шумом
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