Freitag, 10. Dezember 2021
o fracassado
Como reconhecido
o local de trabalho
demissão sem aviso prévio
o estímulo físico
o em
as chamadas de proximidade
o fracassado
An: Honoré de Balzac
Wir leben nur einmal
der Erinnerung
quer durch
die Gedankenwelt
indem wir beides
die Innenwelt
die Aussenwelt
mit dem
inneren Auge betrachten
mit neuer Einsicht
Schritt für Schritt
es besser zu machen
An: Zukunftswerkstatt Amberg
Die Leib-Seele-Einheit
die unteilbare Menschenwürde
ist uns im Keim
von Geburt
bis zum Ziel
dem Tod gegeben
An: Albert Einstein
Die Seele
ist die Quelle
allen Seins
im anderen
haben wir
mit unseren Händen
und Gedanken
nichts zu suchen
Antwort an: Anselm Grün
Unser Leben
wie wir es
für eine kurze Zeit
geliehen bekommen
die unteilbare
ist jedem
von Geburt
an gegeben
die Seele ist die Quelle
aller Werte
und Vorstellungen
jedem Menschen
wird von der Seele
der Traum geschenkt
damit er täglich
zu neuer Einsicht
zu komme
das Bessere Versuchen
die eigene Last
selbst zu tragen
sie nicht anderen
ihre Schultern
damit belasten wollen
To: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Can you please explain to me
because you are declaring indivisible human dignity null and void
like us
through your common sense
have to understand a genocide?
Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021
For better legal protection for people on the move!
Refugees in Switzerland are exposed to discrimination and human rights violations: through inadequate accommodation, inadequate legal protection in the asylum procedure, wrong human rights decisions by the migration authorities or deportation to the precarious emergency aid system. These abuses have to be systematically prosecuted and humane treatment of refugees has to be achieved in court.
The disturbing images of people on the run do not stop. Media reports of devastating conditions in refugee camps, violent clashes and pushbacks at European borders reach us every day. But Switzerland not only contributes to the European refugee policy, within its own national borders the living conditions of refugees are just as precarious.
With the support of the UNHCR, will set up the coordination of strategic litigation in the area of asylum and migration from 2022. There are already various aid organizations, NGO and solidarity collectives in Switzerland that support people on the run. Now we would like to make our contribution by joining forces and remedying the deficits identified in individual cases before courts - if necessary at the European Court of Human Rights or the UN Committee against Torture - on the basis of case law.
Support refugees who, with our help, can bring their case to a court and thus improve the situation for all those affected in Switzerland. It takes a lot of courage, perseverance and the resources to fund the campaign around a process - donate now!
With kind regards
Marianne Aeberhard
Head of project access to law / manager
in the garden
with long
through the
upper floors
he throws himself
even out
into the moonlit night
out of the window
on the water
falls a sailor sack
the man
continues to rage
in the
lower floors
in front of an audience
on the pier
and in the garden
Η έκθεση
Η έκθεση
Ήταν καλό
και χωρίς
μια αμοιβή
γιατί α
σε ένα περβάζι
είναι δύο
Δραχμές χιλιάδες
να πληρώσω
To: William Wordsworth
The living
has us
for a short life span
determined and chosen
not an hour
brings us
from our beginning
back into nothingness
with the grass
to the flower we are related
we are all wilting
when there is nothing left of us
from the scent of flowers
of tenderness
that of the following
want to join in a mourning song
Das Leben
hat uns
für eine kurze Lebensspanne
bestimmt und gewählt
keine Stunde
bringt uns
aus unserem Anfang
in das Nichts zurück
mit dem Gras
der Blume sind wir verwandt
wir welken alle
wenn von uns nichts mehr bleibt
vom Duft der Blumen
der Zärtlichkeit
dem die Nachfolgenden
ein Trauerlied einstimmen wollen
An: Arno Schmidt
ein ferner Traum
stürzte sich gewalttätig
in die Gedankenwelt
am hellen Tag
dem Schmutzfleck
mit Scham bedeckt
in mein Gesicht
mir nach
Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2021
Antwort an: Ruth Loosli,
Der Traum will
dass ich mich schreibe
die Kunst überrumpelt
sein tieferes Sagen
dem der Mensch
dem Gegensatz
von Seele und Welt
den Pinsel
die Feder
seine Gedanken
in die Finger
flüstern lässt
nackte Worte
auf keusches Papier
der Leser
dem Buch
sie entblättert
im Bild
der Maler
sich selbst
ورودی در تقویم
ورودی در تقویم
عدم قطعیت
نه آن
بیشتر بدانید
برای چه و چرا
برای حفظ توافق خیلی دیر خواهد بود
Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2021
немного света
это для
Короткое замыкание
на фоне
потерянные мысли
опять таки
остается, что
каждое мгновение
An: Friedrich Nietzsche
Ach; Tod
warum sprichst
Du mir nicht
bei Tag und Nacht
im Schlaf im Traum
vergangener Welt
dass Du kommst
eh ich's gedacht
ins Nichts
der tiefen Tiefe
in alle Ewigkeit zurück
An: Paul Celan
Auge der Nacht
Dies ist in uns
das Auge der Nacht
nicht zu übertönen
vom Tag
es weiss
die Geschichte
der Hand
der Sünde
den Fingern entlang
aus dem Auge
auf die Haut
die Ahnen wimmern
unter gefallenen Sternen
im Traum
an ihren Knochen
der Welt
den Tod
im Gleichklang
poke လုပ်ဖို့
ငါ့ကို ဘာကြောင့်လဲ။
poke လုပ်ဖို့
Montag, 6. Dezember 2021
праз словы
Каб паказаць дарогу
праз словы
удалечыні ад свету
якія далёка вандруюць
праз снег
ўніз па схілах
Аднаногі кухар
мае ў гэтым
A nyugalom
A nyugalom
de nem
tesz egyet
Szabad alvóhely
a csupasz hideg
fekete inggel
biztonságban lenni
В лагере для нечестивых
В лагере для нечестивых
где львы-падальщики спускаются с деревьев
пожирать тухлое мясо
с оскаленными зубами
пытаясь себя невиновным
To: Ursula von der Leyen
Can you explain to me, please
why you, the border security
pay attention higher
than indivisible human dignity
those people who sacrifice their lives outside of the borders
for a refuge within the European Union?
Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2021
Twój cień
Twój cień
Najdroższa kobieto
on chce bez płacenia
ze skokiem w to
bez biletu
zapisz w nieznane
konduktor w pociągu
Sprawdź mnie
Twoja tożsamość
na luźnych strzępach
na papierze
i zostawia mnie bez
by mnie docenić spojrzeniem
ja we mnie
ze mną sama
miał mnie
Twoja obietnica
pozostawiony sam
podczas gdy my
na schodach
Ręka na kolanach
w więzieniu
w oczach
innych ludzi
w społeczności
tablica jest
w społeczności
w którym ja
nie jestem mile widziany
To: Joe Biden
Can you explain to me, please
why are you confident that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, after talking to you, will respect the indivisible dignity of all people?
Samstag, 4. Dezember 2021
открытые двери
Мир с голым желанием
Быть вместе
с поменяли местами
и конечности
через это
открытые двери
на пытаньні
Малітоўныя колы
у змрочнае
не ўяўляецца магчымым
ваза з садавінай
падаць уніз
на скуру
кліент мне балюча
што ты сам
ўва мне
гэта будзе бясплодна
у маім жыцці
Switzerland is the world's largest hub for trading agricultural commodities. Over 50 percent of the grain, 40 percent of the sugar and every third coffee and cocoa bean are traded by Swiss traders.
A pioneering research by Public Eye shows that the agricultural trading groups have become plantation owners on a large scale. The traders in South America, Africa and Asia grow sugar cane, palm oil and oranges, among other things, on over 550 plantations. The plantations controlled by Swiss traders cover a total area of over 2.7 million hectares. This corresponds to more than six times the total Swiss arable land or 50 times the area of Lake Constance.
This leads to evictions, labor law violations, deforestation and land grabbing.
On our new website you will find a world map with an overview of the plantations as well as ten exemplary cases of human rights and environmental violations:
to the world map "Swiss Plantations"
The grievances in the cultivation of agricultural raw materials illustrate the need for political action. Once again it is evident that political Switzerland is avoiding any regulation of this high-risk industry.
For Public Eye,
Roman Bolliger
Freitag, 3. Dezember 2021
Příliš pozdě
Příliš pozdě
zpátky do minulosti
začít znovu
pro dobro
provádí mladá generace
s kyvadlem
v suterénu
dílo bylo
kamenné mísy
a prázdný
По аллее
По аллее
на витрине
мимо него
внутрь дома напротив
предки хотят
их злоба
не допускаю
потому что в то время они вели хороший бизнес
для этого я должен
в мечте
в тюрьму в наказание
mano femminile
Mantello bastone
da pastore
con stretto
con una corona d'oro
sulla testa
nel mezzo della notte
la giovane pellegrina
con bocca stupita
il fuoco pasquale
nella bacinella di ferro
nella cattedrale
con punte di ferro
dal semplice
mano femminile
in the dance
The intellectual elite
one sits round table
to set the verdict
against a
the people
undignified life
by them these people
the qualified personnel
the order
to recovery
to give to the sick
until that she
drop the clothes
in the dance
of their desires
their true nature
let shine through
racja mleka
Mała wolna ziemia
wioska rolnicza
do nowego pokolenia
każda wolna ziemia orna staje się
zbudowany z drapaczy chmur
poniżej kłótnia
i podwładnych
kto za wartość dodaną
jest w stanie udźwignąć
racja mleka
jeśli nadal
co daje
mleko jest dostarczane z autem
wjechał do każdego domu
To: Thomas Bach
Can you explain to me, please
why you wish
that the topic
sexual assault in China,
with diplomacy
and should act against it quietly?
Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2021
the sleep
The shining star
behind the canopy
dark night
from above
through the old house
the beds
in all chambers
with radio
Book chains
in the shelves
freshly spotted
the hostess
for permission
questioned when entering
wipes white mites
into the drinking water hole
outside in the garden
kisses the child
the music teacher
falls from his lips
rumbles over
his black
from the belly
filled shirt
in the neighboring house
practice it
the sleep
Child in
to city
on the bank
out of sight
in the underground
wading through
you doze
my child
in the handcart
under the blanket
my dream
Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021
Children's rights worldwide.
A festival of children's rights!
11/24/2021 - News
Debate, song and poetry were on the agenda on November 20th. On the occasion of the International Day of Children's Rights, the participants of the # CovidUnder19 initiative organized a virtual children's rights festival under the motto "Reinventing a better world for every child". Children and adults spoke about the question: How can we get children to claim their rights and participate in political decision-making processes?
Among the presentations were also very creative ideas, like those from Januka and Amrit, two 18 and 19 year old activists from Nepal. Her animation won the national children's rights video competition. "Our video makes children aware of their rights in a playful way," says Amrit.
At the end of the day, the children and young people expressed their demands:
"We are # CovidUnder19, a collective of children, youth, civil society organizations and academics. We believe that children's rights are the foundation to move forward, get stronger and together create a better, brighter and greener future after the pandemic.
We are still seeing how the pandemic is negatively affecting children's rights, especially those from marginalized groups. Children continue to be marginalized by those in power and children's rights are not high on government agendas when it comes to rebuilding and responding to the pandemic.
We demand that all adult leaders take steps to respect and fulfill their obligations regarding all children's rights, especially those that are most at risk from the pandemic. This includes the right of children:
- to be heard and that their opinion is duly taken into account (Article 12 CRC)
- obtain sufficient funds for the realization of children's rights (Article 4)
- to be protected from violence (Article 19)
- Access to the highest levels of health, including mental health, taking into account the dangers and risks of pollution (Article 24)
- be treated equally and without discrimination (Article 2)
We believe that the recovery and renewal of COVID-19 requires investments for children and that they should be key partners in shaping the post-pandemic world. [...] "
Check out the contributions made by the children and young people on the # CovidUnder19 YouTube channel.
Dienstag, 30. November 2021
The accelerated asylum procedure: "satisfactory" is not good enough
The asylum procedure changed significantly with its revision in 2019. Two years after its introduction, an initial evaluation now rates the accelerated procedure as “fundamentally satisfactory”. This is unsatisfactory from a human rights perspective: targeted adjustments are necessary to protect asylum seekers.
Tax solidarity between (ex) spouses discriminates against women
Many women are sued by the tax authorities every year for the tax debts of their (ex) husbands. The canton of Vaud is one of the last Swiss cantons to provide the married couple with joint and several liability for all tax amounts still outstanding at the time of separation. All cases negotiated by the Cantonal Court of Vaud concerned women with joint and several liability; nevertheless, all Swiss authorities have so far refused to recognize the indirect discrimination it has caused.
Dublin returns to Italy permitted again
In a reference judgment, the Federal Administrative Court decided that families with small children may be transferred back to Italy in the Dublin procedure - due to the individual assurance of suitable accommodation by the Italian authorities. In reality, however, the conditions are still precarious and there is a serious risk of inhuman and degrading treatment.
Human trafficking for labor exploitation: An encouraging decision from Geneva
Human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation is also a reality in Switzerland. However, the phenomenon is largely underestimated and those responsible are only rarely called to account. There are many reasons for this: the legal provisions are vague and are interpreted too narrowly by the courts. It also turns out to be difficult to get at the testimony of the victims. A first conviction by a Swiss court in the construction sector paves the way for a change in case law.
Kosiah Case: An Important Judgment for International Jurisdiction
Thanks to the principle of universal jurisdiction, more and more people around the world are being held accountable for international crimes. This is also the case in Switzerland: In June 2021, the former Liberian commander Alieu Kosiah was the first war criminal convicted by the federal criminal court. It is to be hoped that the judgment heralds a change of direction: Switzerland is regularly criticized for its inadequate commitment to the prosecution of international crimes.
Review of Switzerland by the CERD
The UN Committee against Racism met Switzerland in its 105th session on 16./17. Reviewed November 2021. participated as an NGO representative in the question and answer session and an informal exchange with the experts from the CERD.
Review of Switzerland by the CRC
On September 27, 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published its concluding remarks and recommendations on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Switzerland.
Language Charter and Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
On October 1, 2021, the Federal Council adopted a combined report by Switzerland on the implementation of the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
Basics in Swiss German sign language
The videos in Swiss German Sign Language (SDGS) for selected texts from the “Basics” section are available again.
Support us - so that we can become independent!
The financing of the information platform is no longer guaranteed in the long term. So that we can continue our information mission, we have to become independent. For this we now need your support!
With kind regards
Valentina Stefanović
Head of German-language editing of the information platform
на полиците
на полиците
полн со
странски зеленчук
и месо
мое дете
во мене
да предава
како што
за здрава
не после
детето се однесува на тоа
Het kwaad
Met een motivering
het kwaad
noemt het goede
is met
de moeite
op mij en jou
de toespraak
een rechtvaardiging
een niets
La donna
Sbarazzati dei beni
tramite la
modo sbagliato interiore
sulla via di casa
sul bordo del letto
con le rose
nelle mani di
il bambino che piange si sveglia
il male che la donna
come suo compagno
nel sonno profondo
il passato
nella terra dei morti
per decenni
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