Not against the fear, with the fear.
Classifying or classifying objects into a hierarchy often involves a weight that is already contained in the order in which the objects are ordered. In principle, however, they are easier to grasp than complex structures.
A hierarchy of order may be oriented to describing a person from head to toe, or in many respects and relationships effectively intrapsychic processes, the subordination of genesis, development, disability.
In contrast to the external structure of power, spiritual, political, social, which an individual can not cross, into which he has to integrate into the culture in which he grew up, for better or worse.
Another in his indifference, to his intervention, can override, undermining the current condition of the opposite, in that the back and forth of a clarifying conversation, by its transgression, at the moment of the event, makes no common solution possible.
Any action (force) that moves one subjective process to another, the intervention, expresses that there is a more complex state of affairs of intersubjectivity
We all have our own problems to deal with, even if some are unsolvable, seem insoluble. "From conflict, to conflict, to the finale."
The term projection covers the transmission and shifting of an intrapsychic conflict through the depiction of one's own emotions, affects, desires and impulses, which may contradict one's own and / or social norms, on other persons, groups of people, living beings or objects of the outside world.
To be afraid of something requires a phenomenon of reality to be able to grasp it in a concrete way.
On the other hand, fear (narrowness), which can be experienced with all senses, as a feeling of being unconscious, is based on intellectual, often inexplicable dependent moods of our self. (The subject becomes an object)
Fear helps us to learn to fear, so that the handling of ourselves and the world should succeed. Like every event, the one we can not get hold of, and that which gives our energy its own leeway.
It is important to pay attention to both, fear and fear, souls can bring to a standstill on both feet. Not on the feet of the other.
Self-reliance, self-reliance, constant review, one's own existence, the inner dialogue to decide to move courageously.
In addition the inner compass, the own conscience, the yes, the no, the own doing, the own let. We are not the victim of others when we are willing to pay the obolus for a strenuous, conscious life.