the bones applied to the warming body thereafter the ride through life to enjoy forgetting that this life itself everything says for the temple building in the conscience Die
The inner world of the world be without unexpected intervention Interiors free which as a fortress other meant not what you to the Creator me mean to ascribes Die
the pious demure in the middle to tables and share the singsong before feeding as a prayer unsteady shadow circle the darkness the inner world the outside world the Allworld Die
What unites us prayed laboriously If you ask the logos a public hidden truth the Ariadne's thread the hope which one separateness not dare Was
uns verbindet
Liebe zur Freiheit große Worte wir alle profitieren gesiebte Luft Lebensmittel Leben für uns selbst in Gefangenschaft der Körper und Seele Freiheit Liebe