Dienstag, 10. September 2024

Mavazi ya chemchemi

 Ndege wa watoto
Hewa anga ni pana
Macho yako kama matunda ya giza
Jua katika mavazi ya chemchemi

Дар шаҳри истиқоматии рӯҳ

 Дар шумо зиндагӣ мекунад
Соатҳои шумо
Чеҳраи кӯҳнаи шумо
бо нури нав парпечшуда

Ua ata

 Te anaana ra to outou mata
Ua ata outou i te mea 'oe
i to outou rima
I roto i te ahu


 Iṭij yers deg uksum-ik .
Tḍeggreḍ-d seg-k iɣsan-nni.
Iḍarren ttezzin-ak-d

ⵜⴰⵎⵎⵓⵔⵜ .

 ⵜⴰⵎⵎⵓⵔⵜ ⴷ ⵜⴰⵅⴻⴷⴷⵉⵜ ⵏⵏⴻⵎ .
ⴰⵙⵙ ⴷ ⵉⴹ ⵏⵏⴽ

Montag, 9. September 2024


 ஒரு புதிய ஆன்மா விழித்துக் கொள்கிறது
உள்ளே ஒரு கல் உடைகிறது
ஆயிரமாண்டுகளின் ஆழ்ந்த உறக்கத்திலிருந்து


 Зур әйләнәсе булган киң пальто
караңгы йөзләр белән
якты кулларда
Чәчәк бәйләме алып барган балалар

ది రాయి

 రాయి ఆకుపచ్చగా ఉండాలి
రాతి వాడిపోయిన ఆకులతో కప్పబడి ఉంటుంది
ఆ రాయి స్వర్గపు కన్నీళ్లను తాగాలి

Molok fronteira

 Iha fronteira ema hotu-hotu hetan naok sira nia identidade
deskobrimentu moras nian ne'ebé hatudu ba tratamentu médiku hetan suspensaun
mane defisiente, ho nia kuidadu-na'in, ne'ebé la permite ona no labele buka ajuda médiku

Samstag, 7. September 2024

אַף אֶחָד לֹא

 כבוד האדם הוא אוניברסלי, בלתי ניתן לחלוקה ומוחלט. אף אחד לא יכול להרוס את הפנימיות, את ליבת הנשמה, שבה אלוהים חי בכל אדם, באלימות וברצח.


Die Menschenwürde ist universell, unteilbar und absolut. Niemand kann das Innerste, der Kern der Seele, darin Gott in jedem Menschen wohnt, mit Gewalt und Totschlag zerstören.

Freitag, 30. August 2024



Mittwoch, 28. August 2024

The intention

The intention to be generous in spirit and to live each day of life with absolute integrity is the excuse not to have to endure one's own shadow.


Buddha uses a stylistic device to describe, by drawing a figurative comparison, that the failure to recognize the illusion of the self is the source of all ignorance and unhappiness. He uses the image of turning away from the self, that is, by dropping one's ego defenses and committing suicide, a person can open up to other ways of being and relating and thus transform themselves into a pure essence of humanity. With that, and in this way, he becomes unfree. Man cuts himself off from his own inner world. In the process, man becomes a compliant tool of spiritual dictatorship and subjugated. He thus loses his creative power because for generations, except for today's gurus, whose successors are Buddha, he has been led to believe that he has a kind of transcendence and immortality

Dienstag, 27. August 2024

Кечкенә машина

Кар белән капланган кечкенә машина
Машина тәрәзәләре артта һәм алгы өлештә ачык күренеш бирми
машина түбәндәге урамдагы калкулык белән бара

Every person

Every person knows more or less who he is.
The person lives in his body; the spaces inside and outside are diverse.
The I am ends in death.
No person remains in an eternal state.
The message of who the person is comes from the unconscious, through the reality of the soul, through dreams and the memories and thoughts of the day.

The presence

The presence of a truly loving person can trigger a warm feeling in the other person. It is not possible to transfer grace through another person; for the grace of God comes from within. Every teaching is expressed in words or symbols. The origin, its living presence, comes from the reality of the soul. In the countertransference of the guru with the teaching to his students, the spiritual master hopes to achieve immortality. With a simple gesture, the guru tries to underline the reality of his teaching. He hopes that his message in written holy scriptures will find an echo in subsequent generations centuries later. A movement, a gesture reveals to the other person the body image of a person, what he could avoid or expand on. The truth of the other person is not revealed in its entirety. Words convey what the other person already understands or does not understand. A other person cannot be the content, for good or bad, of a teaching for someone else.

Montag, 26. August 2024

الله يعيش فينا

العمل وأكثر من ذلك بكثير،
لم نكن قلقين بشأن تدمير الطغاة لأرواحنا
الله يعيش فينا حتى النهاية



Энергия шорпасы

Сәяхәт вакытында балчык савытта әле дә җылы булган аш, ярылды
Шорпа хатын-кызның зур бармаклары арасына мәрмәр тиресенә төшә
кеше үкенә
ул хатын-кызның матур йөзенә карамаган


ཁོས་བརྗོད་དོན་ལྟར་ན། གནད་དོན་གྱི་སྙིང་པོ་ལ་སླེབས་རྒྱུ་དེ་རྫུན་གཏམ་ལ་གཞི་བཅོལ་ཡོད།

እቲ ፍራሽ

እቲ ፍራሽ ብዝነቐጸ ቆርበት ቆሎ መሊኡ
እቲ ካብ ገዛ ርሒቑ ናብ ጉዕዞ ክኸይድ ዝደሊ ሰብኣይ
እቲ ሰብኣይ ማይኡ የውድቕ፤ ኣብ ክንዲ ናብ ሽቓቕ ምኻድ

अपनी पीड़ा स्वयं सहो

अपनी पीड़ा स्वयं सहो
अपने दर्द का बोझ दूसरों पर न डालें
भगवान पर भरोसा रखें
भगवान आपके अवचेतन में रहते हैं
आस्था महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है
आत्मा का
आत्मा दिन-रात तुमसे बातें करता है

पूर्णतया मानवः भवतु

पूर्णतया मानवः भवतु
अहोरात्रौ सर्वस्मिन्
ईश्वरः जनानां अचेतने अस्ति
घोरचे अतमन्
स्वप्नस्य माध्यमेन
दिवा प्रेरणाद्वारा च


If you are ready to obey the soul; thoughts come to us, not we to them. The search for insight, through the unconscious and that which surrounds us in every place in the world. Man does not have to look for silence, it comes and passes.

त्वरित सोच

त्वरित सोच
मनुष्य स्वयं को संसार की समस्त बुद्धि का स्वामी समझता है
इस तथ्य के बावजूद कि हम सभी प्यार के बारे में बात करते हैं
हम तो बेपनाह प्यार के दीवाने हैं
थोड़े समय के लिए एक पागलपन भरा अहसास

निरपेक्षं प्रज्ञा

निरपेक्षं प्रज्ञा
यत् साधवः स्वप्नन्ति
ईश्वरः अचेतनस्थः अस्ति
प्रत्येकं व्यक्तिः
आत्माद्वारे विनयेन सह
अदृश्यसर्वशक्तितः जानुभ्यां न्यस्तः
ईश्वरस्य कोरः
ब्रह्माण्डात् पूर्वं पश्चात् च

sieben Sachen

Gefährlich wäre es
wenn ich mich
mit meinen sieben Sachen
nicht zusammen reissen würde

Das Tun

Das Tun 
im nichts Tun
sich mit dem Unbewussten
seiner selbst
in jedem Moment 
auseinander zu setzen

The spirit blows

The spirit blows wherever it wants. A guru who asks the student to calm his mind. In doing so, the student should calm himself and the guru at the same time. Because the master has his doubts about not being able to cope with himself, his subconscious and his soul alone. The guru wants absolute union with the student and the reality of the world. God who resides in the subconscious in all people. The master wants to deceive the student by telling a lie

Sonntag, 25. August 2024

Sha u yevese mtim

Sha u yevese mtim
bunker u shin inya
Ior mba yevese sha ci u uma ve .
ken kwagh u konkreti
ken ijime i ihinda la ka uwar u ityendezwa la

hagunturon i

Parbolatbolatan parbagasan .
hagunturon i
hansit ni roha i
ndang tartaon
halak na hona i manetek ganup ubat
laos angka ubat naung leleng dibahen tungganeboruna i tu saput na marpola i di ibana .

wanpela hariken

Bet bilong marit i no pulap olgeta long rum
wanpela hariken
kisim long insait
long tingting we i no gat tingting
man bilong meri bilong em
meri bilong em i toktok long fon wantaim wanpela man em i no save long em
meri i benk i go daun
long man bilong em we i dai long bilip bilong em
husat i go insait long rum klostu we i gat planti lait na dispela man i pundaun insait long driman nogut bilong em

the restlessness

Take the restlessness within you seriously into your consciousness.
Don't suppress your own failures, your mistakes, accept them.
Fight against the mind, which wants to leave all the corruption behind.
The holy shrine is in the subconscious, where God speaks to you through the soul.
Nobody is perfect and nobody will always be perfect.
There are things and objects in the soul, the corruption of yourself, that you cannot erase.


Crying is associated with grief and loss. The child does this from the very first cry. When the crying comes from the deepest depths of the soul, insight is not far behind for stubborn reason. Crying because universal, indivisible, absolute human dignity has not yet become the highest principle of humanity.

Samstag, 24. August 2024

To have lasting joy

To have lasting joy, you must avoid the inward and outward direction. You will celebrate it for a brief moment as a personal victory, only to fall into eternal despair. Every self-importance will appear like a vision in your consciousness, stay there briefly, and then disappear, to step again on the treadmill of lasting bliss for all eternity. You do not have to search for eternal joy. writing humility; the search for eternal joy.

Listen to what is directed to you from external objects and internal things, whatever they may be. Keep your mind as a serving tool for new insight. The innermost includes the outside and the inside of a person. All opposites are contained in it. We are nature in nature, beauty and suffering lie very close to each other in it.

Freitag, 23. August 2024


I didn't come for that
to win everything
The world; it is a wonderful world in the cosmos
Anyway; the eternal age, with the laws through the soul from the unconscious
Where the universal, indivisible, absolute human dignity
wants to assert itself in everyday life, as the highest principle in humanity

In every moment

In every moment that the light from the unconscious appears in the soul, it will explain the stories to the consciousness right up to the here and now. And bring you to new insight.

a pilgrimage

Life is a journey, a pilgrimage that has a serious purpose at the end, the goal is demise, one's own death. Heaven and earth, we are nature in nature, the meaning is to obey the soul's destiny from the beginning to the end. Music is one thing, silence is another. Singing and dancing for a while. Finishing the work of the day. In your free time, doing shadow work that challenges the whole person in humility.

Donnerstag, 22. August 2024



Religious experience

Religious experience that is directed towards a reality as a whole or towards a divine reality. God speaks to every person from the unconscious. Through the soul, which conveys God's word in a paradoxical language, every person can independently come to new insights.
The absolute truth and wisdom are not accessible to man.
Man learns to recognize human dignity, which is universal, indivisible and absolute, by obeying the dream of the soul his whole life.

the absolute truth

What people in the world report because an experience has become an internal or external event for them can broaden the individual's newly acquired insight and perspective on his own life. Success is measured when there is a harmony in the innermost being with what is said. In the present moment, a person can grasp a small spectrum of reality. The new knowledge acquired through others can accompany a person for a lifetime. There is no such thing as a crazy world, except when a guru imagines something and wants to present his thing to his students as the absolute truth.

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति
गुलाबनगरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने
गल्ल्याः कोणेषु च गच्छन् वस्तूनि विना
कालः समाप्तः भवति
कमानयुक्तद्वारस्य अधः
अश्वः स्वस्य हार्नेस् मुक्तः अस्ति
अश्वः तेन सह गच्छति स्म
तस्य हस्ते
सः समलैङ्गिकद्वयं नेति
अश्वाः पृष्ठे परस्परं स्पृशन्ति
अश्वानाम् स्तनस्य स्थाने
स्त्री अश्वस्य योनिषु
शाश्वतः भ्रमकः सम्प्रति इच्छति
व्यावसायिकवस्त्रं विना कार्यं आरभत
यत् सः यौवने एव त्यक्तवान्

Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

गुलाबपुरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति
गुलाबपुरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने
गल्ल्याः कोणेषु च गच्छन् वस्तूनि विना
कालः समाप्तः भवति
कमानयुक्तद्वारस्य अधः
अश्वः स्वस्य हार्नेस् मुक्तः अभवत्
अश्वः तेन सह गमिष्यति स्म
तस्य हस्ते
सः द्वयोः समलैङ्गिकयोः नेतृत्वं करोति
अश्वाः पृष्ठभागे परस्परं स्पृशन्ति
अश्वानाम् स्तनयोः स्थाने
स्त्री अश्वयोनौ उपरि
शाश्वतः भ्रमकः सम्प्रति इच्छति
व्यावसायिकवस्त्रं विना कार्यस्य आरम्भः
यत् सः यौवने एव त्यक्तवान्


ಈರ್ ಎಂಚ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಮಲ್ಪೆರೆ ಬೊಕ್ಕ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಮಲ್ಪೆರೆ ಸಾಧ್ಯ ಉಂಡು ಪನ್ಪಿನವು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಅತ್ತ್
ಅಕೇರಿಗ್, ನಿನ್ನ ತರೆತ ಮಿತ್ತ್ ಉಪ್ಪುನ ನಿಕ್ಸ್ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಆಪುಂಡು
ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂಜಿ ನರಮಾನಿಲಾ ಜೀವನೊಡು ಅನುಭವಿಸೊಂದಿತ್ತಿನ ಗಾಯೊಲು

not against fear

Humility towards the inside and the outside, with fear, not against fear. Don’t rebel against your inner weakness.

Life has existed

Life has existed since time immemorial without belief; Before a person has considered a methodological justification for a fact to be apparently true or probable.

Dienstag, 20. August 2024

a daily basis

The desire for a state of inner contentment and balance, that is, the fact that we do not completely succeed, remains the area of tension, an inner unrest that lasts throughout life. We are enclosed in our bodies; we have the task of bringing the inner world into harmony with the outer world, as best we can, on a daily basis.

Montag, 19. August 2024






Self-realization is the willingness to rise above one's own weaknesses and those of the weak and the outcast. The icons like something like Buddha, like Christ and like any other great icon that tried to avoid their own shadow in order to behave as godly that we, like many so called special people, have had over time. Self-realization is good for those who cannot cope with their own shadow, with the finiteness of being human.

Die Larve

Die Menschenwürde ist universell, unteilbar und absolut. Also, wird in einer Gegenübertragung, mit dem Fingerzeig auf andere, die Larve auf dem eigenen Gesicht offensichtlich.

There will never be a time

There will never be a time when I existed before my birth, or when I will continue to exist after my death.

God himself will give up his dwelling place in my subconscious.

God will move into another body after my death.

Physical sensations - cold and heat, joy and pain - are my faithful companions.

The person who remains touched by sensations and feelings through all senses comes a little closer to the omniscient one during his lifetime through the recognition and appreciation that God lives in his subconscious and speaks in dreams through the soul in every person, God himself to the completely different.

Joy and pain are the milestones to the insight into one's own transience.

The non-existence was broken through at the beginning of the universe. Every being finds its beginning and end in the cosmos.

Nobody can recognize and understand absolute evil -

Nobody can recognize and understand absolute truth 

Das unsichtbare Fundament

Die Seele birgt das unsichtbare Fundament des menschlichen Lebens; also, kann eine Maschine die Wirklichkeit des Lebens nicht ersetzen.

Sonntag, 18. August 2024

ኣብ ጸልማት

ዘርኢ ኣቦሓጎታት ኣዴታት
ነዚ ሕጂ ዝጽበዩ ዘለዉ
ብኮቦርታ ተሸፊኑ ኮፍ ኢልካ ምጽናሕ
ኣብ ጸልማት
ኣብ መንበር ደቆም 

Di dalan na sala di borngin i .

Di dalan na sala di borngin i .
dibuka do panondang i sian jendela
panatapan sian matami
di sada na kosong .
lapangan permainan bertembok di ari


Planti tumas long givim stretpela bekim long narapela man
i no givim bekim
bihain long piksa
ol stensil i sanap

मनुष्यस्य लक्ष्यम्

मनुष्यः आत्मनः पात्रे ईश्वरेण रोगाणुषु विकसितः भवति, जीवनस्य क्रमे मानवत्वेन साक्षात्कृतः भवति। प्रत्येकं व्यक्तिः स्वसत्त्वे स्वनाम वहति, जागरूकतायाः कृते।
तस्य मनुष्यमार्गाय; मनुष्याणां मूललक्षणानाम् कृते, २.
भगवान; यस्य सर्वं जीवनं अधीनं भवति, जगति सूक्ष्मजगति च, केन्द्रत्वेन; ईश्वरस्य अस्तित्वस्य सर्वेषु रूपेषु। जगत् आत्मा पोषितः भवति;
आत्मानद्वारा, २.
ईश्वरस्य निवासगृहे ईश्वरः प्रत्येकस्मिन् व्यक्तिषु वर्तते।
ईश्वरः सर्वथा भिन्नः अस्ति,
जगतः जनानां च अस्तित्वे।
ब्रह्मज्ञानं ईश्वरस्य हस्ते अस्ति;
ईश्वरस्य निरपेक्षसत्यं प्रत्येकस्य व्यक्तिस्य आत्मायां निहितं भवति।
मनुष्यः ईश्वरस्य निरपेक्षं वास्तविकतां ग्रहीतुं न शक्नोति। मनुष्ये प्रकाशः
तस्य चेतनचित्ते, २.
is a इति स्वस्य क्षणिकछाया अस्ति।
मनुष्यस्य लक्ष्यं अन्त्यफलं म्रियते मृत्युः।

जगतः अग्रगामी मनुष्ये एव ईश्वरः अस्ति

जगतः अग्रगामी मनुष्ये एव ईश्वरः अस्ति
ब्रह्माण्डे अन्धकारे ईश्वरः
मनुष्ये सूक्ष्मजगत्प्रकाशे ईश्वरः
ईश्वरः अन्धकारस्य खिडकीद्वारा वदति
ईश्वरः सर्वेभ्यः जनेभ्यः स्वप्नेषु विरोधाभासेषु वदति
अन्येषां जनानां; अन्यः पूरकः
ईश्वरस्य आज्ञापालनं युगपत् उपयोगी आकर्षकं च भवति

वह जो दुख पैदा करता है

वह जो दुख पैदा करता है
जहाज़ पर और ज़मीन पर
वही है
अचेतन के अनंत समुद्र के पार की यात्रा पर