Sonntag, 25. August 2024

hagunturon i

Parbolatbolatan parbagasan .
hagunturon i
hansit ni roha i
ndang tartaon
halak na hona i manetek ganup ubat
laos angka ubat naung leleng dibahen tungganeboruna i tu saput na marpola i di ibana .

wanpela hariken

Bet bilong marit i no pulap olgeta long rum
wanpela hariken
kisim long insait
long tingting we i no gat tingting
man bilong meri bilong em
meri bilong em i toktok long fon wantaim wanpela man em i no save long em
meri i benk i go daun
long man bilong em we i dai long bilip bilong em
husat i go insait long rum klostu we i gat planti lait na dispela man i pundaun insait long driman nogut bilong em

the restlessness

Take the restlessness within you seriously into your consciousness.
Don't suppress your own failures, your mistakes, accept them.
Fight against the mind, which wants to leave all the corruption behind.
The holy shrine is in the subconscious, where God speaks to you through the soul.
Nobody is perfect and nobody will always be perfect.
There are things and objects in the soul, the corruption of yourself, that you cannot erase.


Crying is associated with grief and loss. The child does this from the very first cry. When the crying comes from the deepest depths of the soul, insight is not far behind for stubborn reason. Crying because universal, indivisible, absolute human dignity has not yet become the highest principle of humanity.

Samstag, 24. August 2024

To have lasting joy

To have lasting joy, you must avoid the inward and outward direction. You will celebrate it for a brief moment as a personal victory, only to fall into eternal despair. Every self-importance will appear like a vision in your consciousness, stay there briefly, and then disappear, to step again on the treadmill of lasting bliss for all eternity. You do not have to search for eternal joy. writing humility; the search for eternal joy.

Listen to what is directed to you from external objects and internal things, whatever they may be. Keep your mind as a serving tool for new insight. The innermost includes the outside and the inside of a person. All opposites are contained in it. We are nature in nature, beauty and suffering lie very close to each other in it.

Freitag, 23. August 2024


I didn't come for that
to win everything
The world; it is a wonderful world in the cosmos
Anyway; the eternal age, with the laws through the soul from the unconscious
Where the universal, indivisible, absolute human dignity
wants to assert itself in everyday life, as the highest principle in humanity

In every moment

In every moment that the light from the unconscious appears in the soul, it will explain the stories to the consciousness right up to the here and now. And bring you to new insight.

a pilgrimage

Life is a journey, a pilgrimage that has a serious purpose at the end, the goal is demise, one's own death. Heaven and earth, we are nature in nature, the meaning is to obey the soul's destiny from the beginning to the end. Music is one thing, silence is another. Singing and dancing for a while. Finishing the work of the day. In your free time, doing shadow work that challenges the whole person in humility.

Donnerstag, 22. August 2024



Religious experience

Religious experience that is directed towards a reality as a whole or towards a divine reality. God speaks to every person from the unconscious. Through the soul, which conveys God's word in a paradoxical language, every person can independently come to new insights.
The absolute truth and wisdom are not accessible to man.
Man learns to recognize human dignity, which is universal, indivisible and absolute, by obeying the dream of the soul his whole life.

the absolute truth

What people in the world report because an experience has become an internal or external event for them can broaden the individual's newly acquired insight and perspective on his own life. Success is measured when there is a harmony in the innermost being with what is said. In the present moment, a person can grasp a small spectrum of reality. The new knowledge acquired through others can accompany a person for a lifetime. There is no such thing as a crazy world, except when a guru imagines something and wants to present his thing to his students as the absolute truth.

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति
गुलाबनगरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने
गल्ल्याः कोणेषु च गच्छन् वस्तूनि विना
कालः समाप्तः भवति
कमानयुक्तद्वारस्य अधः
अश्वः स्वस्य हार्नेस् मुक्तः अस्ति
अश्वः तेन सह गच्छति स्म
तस्य हस्ते
सः समलैङ्गिकद्वयं नेति
अश्वाः पृष्ठे परस्परं स्पृशन्ति
अश्वानाम् स्तनस्य स्थाने
स्त्री अश्वस्य योनिषु
शाश्वतः भ्रमकः सम्प्रति इच्छति
व्यावसायिकवस्त्रं विना कार्यं आरभत
यत् सः यौवने एव त्यक्तवान्

Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

गुलाबपुरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने

यः पुरुषः ब्रमणे भवितुम् इच्छति
गुलाबपुरं प्रति प्रत्यागमने
गल्ल्याः कोणेषु च गच्छन् वस्तूनि विना
कालः समाप्तः भवति
कमानयुक्तद्वारस्य अधः
अश्वः स्वस्य हार्नेस् मुक्तः अभवत्
अश्वः तेन सह गमिष्यति स्म
तस्य हस्ते
सः द्वयोः समलैङ्गिकयोः नेतृत्वं करोति
अश्वाः पृष्ठभागे परस्परं स्पृशन्ति
अश्वानाम् स्तनयोः स्थाने
स्त्री अश्वयोनौ उपरि
शाश्वतः भ्रमकः सम्प्रति इच्छति
व्यावसायिकवस्त्रं विना कार्यस्य आरम्भः
यत् सः यौवने एव त्यक्तवान्


ಈರ್ ಎಂಚ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಮಲ್ಪೆರೆ ಬೊಕ್ಕ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಮಲ್ಪೆರೆ ಸಾಧ್ಯ ಉಂಡು ಪನ್ಪಿನವು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಅತ್ತ್
ಅಕೇರಿಗ್, ನಿನ್ನ ತರೆತ ಮಿತ್ತ್ ಉಪ್ಪುನ ನಿಕ್ಸ್ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಆಪುಂಡು
ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂಜಿ ನರಮಾನಿಲಾ ಜೀವನೊಡು ಅನುಭವಿಸೊಂದಿತ್ತಿನ ಗಾಯೊಲು

not against fear

Humility towards the inside and the outside, with fear, not against fear. Don’t rebel against your inner weakness.

Life has existed

Life has existed since time immemorial without belief; Before a person has considered a methodological justification for a fact to be apparently true or probable.

Dienstag, 20. August 2024

a daily basis

The desire for a state of inner contentment and balance, that is, the fact that we do not completely succeed, remains the area of tension, an inner unrest that lasts throughout life. We are enclosed in our bodies; we have the task of bringing the inner world into harmony with the outer world, as best we can, on a daily basis.

Montag, 19. August 2024






Self-realization is the willingness to rise above one's own weaknesses and those of the weak and the outcast. The icons like something like Buddha, like Christ and like any other great icon that tried to avoid their own shadow in order to behave as godly that we, like many so called special people, have had over time. Self-realization is good for those who cannot cope with their own shadow, with the finiteness of being human.

Die Larve

Die Menschenwürde ist universell, unteilbar und absolut. Also, wird in einer Gegenübertragung, mit dem Fingerzeig auf andere, die Larve auf dem eigenen Gesicht offensichtlich.

There will never be a time

There will never be a time when I existed before my birth, or when I will continue to exist after my death.

God himself will give up his dwelling place in my subconscious.

God will move into another body after my death.

Physical sensations - cold and heat, joy and pain - are my faithful companions.

The person who remains touched by sensations and feelings through all senses comes a little closer to the omniscient one during his lifetime through the recognition and appreciation that God lives in his subconscious and speaks in dreams through the soul in every person, God himself to the completely different.

Joy and pain are the milestones to the insight into one's own transience.

The non-existence was broken through at the beginning of the universe. Every being finds its beginning and end in the cosmos.

Nobody can recognize and understand absolute evil -

Nobody can recognize and understand absolute truth 

Das unsichtbare Fundament

Die Seele birgt das unsichtbare Fundament des menschlichen Lebens; also, kann eine Maschine die Wirklichkeit des Lebens nicht ersetzen.

Sonntag, 18. August 2024

ኣብ ጸልማት

ዘርኢ ኣቦሓጎታት ኣዴታት
ነዚ ሕጂ ዝጽበዩ ዘለዉ
ብኮቦርታ ተሸፊኑ ኮፍ ኢልካ ምጽናሕ
ኣብ ጸልማት
ኣብ መንበር ደቆም 

Di dalan na sala di borngin i .

Di dalan na sala di borngin i .
dibuka do panondang i sian jendela
panatapan sian matami
di sada na kosong .
lapangan permainan bertembok di ari


Planti tumas long givim stretpela bekim long narapela man
i no givim bekim
bihain long piksa
ol stensil i sanap

मनुष्यस्य लक्ष्यम्

मनुष्यः आत्मनः पात्रे ईश्वरेण रोगाणुषु विकसितः भवति, जीवनस्य क्रमे मानवत्वेन साक्षात्कृतः भवति। प्रत्येकं व्यक्तिः स्वसत्त्वे स्वनाम वहति, जागरूकतायाः कृते।
तस्य मनुष्यमार्गाय; मनुष्याणां मूललक्षणानाम् कृते, २.
भगवान; यस्य सर्वं जीवनं अधीनं भवति, जगति सूक्ष्मजगति च, केन्द्रत्वेन; ईश्वरस्य अस्तित्वस्य सर्वेषु रूपेषु। जगत् आत्मा पोषितः भवति;
आत्मानद्वारा, २.
ईश्वरस्य निवासगृहे ईश्वरः प्रत्येकस्मिन् व्यक्तिषु वर्तते।
ईश्वरः सर्वथा भिन्नः अस्ति,
जगतः जनानां च अस्तित्वे।
ब्रह्मज्ञानं ईश्वरस्य हस्ते अस्ति;
ईश्वरस्य निरपेक्षसत्यं प्रत्येकस्य व्यक्तिस्य आत्मायां निहितं भवति।
मनुष्यः ईश्वरस्य निरपेक्षं वास्तविकतां ग्रहीतुं न शक्नोति। मनुष्ये प्रकाशः
तस्य चेतनचित्ते, २.
is a इति स्वस्य क्षणिकछाया अस्ति।
मनुष्यस्य लक्ष्यं अन्त्यफलं म्रियते मृत्युः।

जगतः अग्रगामी मनुष्ये एव ईश्वरः अस्ति

जगतः अग्रगामी मनुष्ये एव ईश्वरः अस्ति
ब्रह्माण्डे अन्धकारे ईश्वरः
मनुष्ये सूक्ष्मजगत्प्रकाशे ईश्वरः
ईश्वरः अन्धकारस्य खिडकीद्वारा वदति
ईश्वरः सर्वेभ्यः जनेभ्यः स्वप्नेषु विरोधाभासेषु वदति
अन्येषां जनानां; अन्यः पूरकः
ईश्वरस्य आज्ञापालनं युगपत् उपयोगी आकर्षकं च भवति

वह जो दुख पैदा करता है

वह जो दुख पैदा करता है
जहाज़ पर और ज़मीन पर
वही है
अचेतन के अनंत समुद्र के पार की यात्रा पर


L'onnisciente, la verità assoluta, è nel subconscio, Dio è nell'uomo stesso. Dio è l'onnicomprensivo, il completamente diverso, nel ricettacolo della realtà dell'anima.

Non è la fede che può rivendicare il potere universale; Dio stesso, nella natura, noi siamo natura, ci mantiene consapevoli della sua potenza dentro e fuori il mondo.

La realtà dentro e fuori è nelle mani di Dio. La fede non cambia nulla, l'obbedienza a ciò che Dio ci dice nei sogni ci guida attraverso la nostra vita.


Religion is the connection, a guiding principle in the history of humanity. Religion tells of people since ancient times, in their efforts to struggle with God, in their innermost being. The spiritual person believes that through his practice he has overcome hell, the absolute evil.

Samstag, 17. August 2024


God the omniscient lives in the subconscious of every human being

Absolute evil is not accessible to humans

The judgment between good and evil must be worked out anew every day

Nobody possesses the absolute truth

For those who are unconscious, the compass is ready for the path through their own life

The soul determines the path, not the desire for a deliberate goal of the human being

Nobody possesses the truth about good and evil

Humans must come to new insight through their own dreams, which they must translate

God leads humans through their lives, not humans lead themselves to the ultimate goal

The desire to possess truth occurs in people who do not want to practice humility

Humans are led by the soul, from the beginning to the end

Why there is life, no human being can answer this question; therefore, humans should not make themselves into gods either

We can only shape life as nature allows; we are nature, it is allowed

Nobody sees into others; so, one person cannot judge another and claim that he is moving in circles

Faith means trusting; the reality of the soul remains hidden from us in its entirety

We all sail in a small boat through the endless sea of ​​the unconscious

What is an illusion to one person is the truth to another

Nobody knows the dialogue between God and the individual human being; so, no one should talk about a mirror that reflects the truth inside a person

Mirrors can neither lie nor tell the truth; for they only reflect the surface of things

God; the completely different is in us, although we can never understand God

We are whole people, in the corrupt as well as in the good

Mirrors can break, every deed cannot be erased from the soul

Making mistakes is part of being human

Nobody has to teach another person something; unless another person asks

Nobody can save themselves from the swamp with their hair; Thus, in the drama of the soul, in which he is not the author; man himself only has a supporting role to play, man should come to new insight through the dream, in its paradoxical language

Der Wahn

Der Wahn der anderen
die Katastrophe vor der eigenen Haustür

Chi guarda fuori non sogna

Chi guarda fuori non sogna
chi è profondamente toccato da qualcuno; Può darsi che questa persona appaia ancora e ancora nei ricordi
Nel sogno, attraverso la bocca dell'anima, il mondo interiore e quello esteriore, con la parte più intima dell'essere umano, si incontrano entrambi alla luce della coscienza
Che una persona sia amata, che possa amare se stessa o meno, il lavoro sull’ombra sfida l’intera persona
il compito resta
per capire te stesso in ogni cosa
che è un lavoro duro da fare ogni giorno


तत्र अचेतने
स्वप्नस्य माध्यमेन
ईश्वरः प्रत्येकं व्यक्तिं प्रति वदति

Ussat mugallym

Penjireden ýagty, ýarym garaňky synp otagyna
kateterde, şol wagtky tejribeçi, çep tarapynda ölen ussat mugallym
Indi goja stoluň üstündäki gara Bakelite telefonyna baryp, merhumyň soraga derrew jogap berýän belgisini aýlaýar
näme üçin ony şol wagt öýden kowdy?
Ol däldi, şol bir at bilen başga biri bardy
Erkek telefonda dymýar we fonda aýallaryň sesleri eşidilýär

ईश्वरः प्रत्येकस्मिन् व्यक्तिः अस्ति

समुदाये मन्त्रस्य पठनं जपं च साधु
यद् ईश्वरः अचेतनेषु स्वनिवासं स्थापितवान्
ईश्वरः एव एवं वदति
स्त्री बालः पुरुषः वा
इति विनयस्य आज्ञापालनस्य च आह्वानम्
नूतनदृष्टिम् आगन्तुम्
सद्वस्तूनि कार्ये स्थापयित्वा

Abusua bi

Abusua bi pɛ sɛ wonya asomdwoe ne kommyɛ wɔ dae mu awiabere
Wɔsan wɔn akyi kɔ wɔn ahwehwɛ nkuku akɛse a mmɔre a ɛyɛ akisikuru no nyin wɔ mu wɔ akwan horow so no mu
ɛna no ka kyerɛ agya no sɛ mesrɛ wo dum kanea no

दूसरों की बुराई

आपका अपना गुस्सा
गर्म गुस्से पर सवाल उठाने के लिए
इससे पहले कि आपकी अपनी उंगली किसी दूसरे दुष्ट व्यक्ति पर उठे

Freitag, 16. August 2024

Пересь воргорон

Пересь воргорон
ӝог-ӝог вала, мар солы кышномурт вера
нылкышнолэн секретэзлэн
адями ассэ возьдаськытэк йӧттыны лэзе

Konflagraasioŋ bi

Konflagraasioŋ bi
dem ba ci cosmos bi
lakk guddi gi ci kaw suuf si


The whole of life has to be lived, for better or for worse. To charm others in one's own way is a form of self-aggrandizement. Fear and suffering from within and without must be endured with humility. Human dignity is universal, indivisible and absolute; Therefore, man must be of service to everything as far as he is able.


सर्वे जनाः तस्याः बालकाः सन्ति
माता अस्मान् जीवनं ददाति
अन्ते सा अस्मान् पुनः स्वयोनिं नयति


Trust means to entrust yourself completely to your soul. To obey your soul for a lifetime. When you dream, you are not the author of the soul's drama. You only play a supporting role in the soul's message. You have to translate the pradox language of dreams in order to gain new insights for everyday life and for yourself, every day.

Donnerstag, 15. August 2024

सत्तां प्रति इच्छा

सत्तायाः इच्छा स्वयमेव प्रतिज्ञायते
निरपेक्षसिद्धान्तस्य आत्मा
यथा परिष्कृतं मद्यम्
समग्रः व्यक्तिः
प्रत्येकस्य व्यक्तिस्य आत्मा
समग्रतायां आनेतुं शक्यते

new insight

Man does everything to get to the bottom of his vices. He knows that God has made his dwelling place in his unconscious. He obeys the soul since the mind was given to him in the germ. The soul that conveys God's message to him in dreams. In dreams, where man is not the author himself, he must strive every day to bring the dream to the world and to himself, so that it can gain new insight.

Through forgiveness

Through forgiveness, which essentially means recognizing the insubstantiality of the past and thus erasing the memory in order to amicably erase one's shameful deeds from one's conscience in the present moment, to leave everything the way one wants to be as a savior to oneself and the world alleged. Absolute evil is not accessible to man. This delusion of wanting to understand evil through one's own mind, of being able to cast a spell against evil, which is supposed to bring about the miracle of transformation not only on the inside, but also on the outside.

Mittwoch, 14. August 2024

in humility

Nobody is the world
we are Nature
in Nature
God willing
that man
facing the inner world
in humility
on the way to better
adapts to the outside world

ईश्वरः अस्मासु अस्ति

ईश्वरः अस्मासु अस्ति
ब्रह्माण्डेन सह सम्बद्धः
सर्वे ग्रहाः; शनिः
ब्रह्माण्डे वस्तूनि
अचेतने क्वचित्
दुष्टे वा शुभे वा
ईश्वरः अस्मान् स्वप्ने वदति

भगवान के घर का दरवाजा

अचेतन में भगवान के घर का दरवाजा बंद रहता है
इंतज़ार कभी ख़त्म नहीं होता
यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि भगवान ने सपने में मुझसे क्या कहा
लेकिन मैं हर दिन कोशिश करता हूं
नए सिरे से समझने के लिए
ईश्वर ने मेरी आत्मा के माध्यम से मुझे क्या सन्देश सुनाया है?

The teaching

The teaching is one thing, the reality of the soul, in the unconscious, in which God lives in every person, is another.
The mind is fed by the soul, people should practice humility in the entanglements from within and without.
We all know hatred, we must bear this heavy burden without harming others.
We cannot know others.
We cannot see inside others.
We cannot force others to be better, as we understand it.
Our thoughts and memories are fed by the soul.
Everything corrupt, every evil deed, we have to answer to ourselves; nothing can be erased from the soul.
Through insight in dreams, where God speaks to each person; so that everyone can become clear about themselves in consciousness, practice better every day.
No one should make their convictions, their faith, their teaching a universal standpoint.
No one should make the world, people, the cosmos, the universe their object.
Our thoughts are our thoughts, others think completely differently.
God is intangible, God is completely different.

Dienstag, 13. August 2024

egy idős férfi

A vásárban egy idős férfi egy egész oldal szalonnát kap a kezébe
nem tudja
hova kell menni vele
Otthon kevés zsírt és húst esznek

go'zal ayol

Uyqu odamni bosib ketdi
go'zal ayol qo'li bilan uning yuqori qo'liga tegmoqchi
Ayol uning yuziga qaraydi
ayol eshik oldiga boradi
tushida yo'qoladi
ayol uni yana kechqurun yo'qlab keladi


Human dignity is universal, indivisible and absolute. Therefore, every person must follow it as the highest principle.
Contradictions from within and without must therefore be tolerated.
Nobody can banish evil into nothingness with a ban.
Wishes are one thing, practicing the better every day into action is another.

Montag, 12. August 2024

One's own

One's own corruption cannot be erased from the soul.
The anger, the fear, and the despair have happened to all people and are known.
What a person is like in his place becomes apparent through his actions, whether good or evil.
Human dignity is universal, indivisible and absolute.
Through insight, one's own truth is brought into consciousness.

Despite the desire for liberation

The wise man never wants to rule over things and creatures.
He needs the senses, the mind, the feeling and the intellect to understand the universal, indivisible, absolute human dignity and to act accordingly. The wise man obeys the soul from childhood onwards; God himself, who has his dwelling place in his body, in the unconscious. He knows that in the entanglements of the world, every day, through the dream in which God speaks to him, he comes to new insight. Despite the desire for liberation, he is not free from fear, anxiety and anger - with the dark sides of life, from within and without, which he has to deal with every day. 

Sonntag, 11. August 2024

Mme o faho

 Mme o faho
u shela mulenzhe kha muṱaṱisano wa u penda
Mukomana wanu o ita tshikethe .
kha bammbiri ḽi konḓaho
u shawala thoho ya muthu .
Mme vha mu ṱuṱuwedza .
Samusi u shela mulenzhe hu na mutengo wayo .
Zwi si zwa ndeme kha murwa .

Freitag, 9. August 2024

Mutshini wa u thaipha na Inthanethe .

Nga ḓuvha ḽa u thoma, vhashumi vhavhili vho ṋewa tshiṱaha tsha maluvha na mapfura avhuḓi a muṱwari mushumoni wavho .
Mufumakadzi o tholiwa lwa minwaha minzhi ha fushei nga mabambiri .
Hoyu mufumakadzi u khou toda uri mutshini wa kale wa u thaipha u ṱanganedzee kha inthanethe .
Muthu ane avha na vhudifhinduleli u khou toda u ita uri mufumakadzi a pfesese uri a zwi konadzei .

el vardar dei oci

el vardar dei oci
verso l'esterno
e direto verso l’interno
in modo che
el tempo interno .
co l'esterno
gira in cerchi

mọi người nên

Mọi người ngồi thành vòng tròn trong quán bar lặn
một người phụ nữ nhận được một chai rượu được cho là ngon
trên đường phố vào ban đêm
mọi người nên
trên con đường tối và đầy tuyết
vượt đèo