Dienstag, 30. November 2021


To: Mike Pence

Can you explain to me, please
why she
indivisible human dignity
of women on the right to abortion
as a man do not want to appreciate?


May it be the US Supreme Court putting a restriction, or a god, or the Pope claiming abortion is a contract killing, a restriction, a prohibition on women to dictate and enforce;

in the womb of the woman, all have to accept the woman's decision.

The woman is and remains the indivisible inviolable human dignity.


Mag es der oberste Gerichtshof in den USA, der eine Beschränkung, oder ein Gott, oder der Papst, der behauptet, die Abtreibung sei ein Auftragsmord, eine Beschränkung, ein Verbot den Frauen das Diktat vor und durchsetzten;

im Leib der Frau, haben allesamt die Entscheidung der Frau zu akzeptieren. 

Die Frau ist und bleibt der unteilbaren unantastbaren Menschenwürde.


The spiritual one

and worldly

powerful man


since thousands of years

the woman

is the man

an equal

of indivisible dignity

as a human

the man

his stupidity

his arrogance

the woman

just for his

Seeking pleasure

spiritual rituals


about the woman

in their fear

to make compliant

so that he may be his God

or his idea

and his followers

as the first of creation

can make you rejoice

the woman may

not the will

of men surrender

the woman may

in particular

to all

on their

stand on your own two feet


Das töten von Menschen widerspricht der universalen, unteilbaren Menschenwürde. 

Ab wann ein Fötus ein wirklicher Mensch im Mutterleib geworden ist,
das muss und darf die Frau selbst entscheiden.


To: Vladimir Putin

Can you explain to me, please
because you declare human dignity to be divisible
where in this worldview
should common sense be included?


It is the spiritual brutality of men who abuse women and children, beat them and kill them and, for a fee, with which "me too", lie to the whole world.

Turning woman into a thing as the birth machine of the nation, into cannon fodder for the despotisms of this world.

The truth is acceptable to those who declare it to be universal law and judge others accordingly, hire spies, those who are unwilling to push the bolt;
the Pope recently contended that the death penalty was nothing more than a venial sin, if at all.

It is those who use the word love, and under the covers for themselves and others, believe something completely different.

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